Who Gets Pressure Sores, and Why?

Who Gets Pressure Sores, and Why | HealthSoul

Pressure sores can be developed by people of any age depending on their lifestyle and health situation. Use this article to determine who is more likely to develop pressure sores and why they are developed. 

Poor hydration and nutrition

The proper nutrients and water make the skin stronger. If you have a poor diet and don’t drink water as much as you should, you are more likely to develop pressure sores. Proper vitamins and collagen can increase the elasticity and strength of your skin. 

Bad nutrition is more likely to give you pressure sores if you also have another medical condition or skin condition such as a circulatory issue. 

People who are confined to a bed

Pressure sores kill over 60,000 patients every year due to the understaffing of hospitals and caregiver neglect. Patients who cannot move or turn themselves need a nurse or caregiver to help them turn. 

In certain hospitals, there are not enough nurses to help move the patients. In other situations, the caregivers may simply neglect the patients or not be willing to help them. This can include the elderly and younger people who have health conditions that confine them to a bed. 

People who use a wheelchair

It also includes people of any age who may be in a wheelchair. Sitting and pressure from the chair can cause sores and pressure ulcers to develop quickly. People in wheelchairs need to be lifted and leaned every 15-20 minutes. 

If you have an injury that needs the use of a wheelchair, consider getting an extra cushion made of foam or gel. Ask your nurse or caregiver to help lift you. You can also practice leaning forward and from side to side to help take some of the pressure off your body parts affected by the wheelchair. 

People over the age of 70 

People who are over the age of 70 are more likely to have mobility issues that cause them to not be able to move as much on their own. Without someone to help them or an adequate caregiver, they might be more likely to develop pressure sores. 

People over the age of 70 are also more likely to have health conditions that make it easier to develop pressure sores such as 

  • Diabetes 
  • Peripheral arterial disease 
  • Kidney failure 
  • Heart failure 
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Parkinson’s disease 

All these conditions affect the blood supply making the blood more likely to pool in a certain area and cause pressure sores. People over the age of 70 are also more likely to have skin that is easily damaged or can be affected by dehydration. 


If you are obese, you might find it challenging to move and exercise. People who are obese are more likely to spend time in the bed or sitting down more so than they are moving. This can pressure sores to develop from being in the same position for too long. Try to find ways to move throughout the day. If you have someone who helps you, ask them to help you turn or switch positions. 

Preventing pressure sores

Try some or all of the following to help prevent pressure sores:

  • Stop smoking. This will make you less likely to get blood circulation diseases and pressure ulcers that come from having these conditions. 
  • Check your skin every day. The earlier you know the symptoms, the less likely they are to cause permanent damage. Also, ask the hospital team to check your skin if they aren’t already. 
  • Eat a balanced diet. Consult a dietician to help you know what you should be eating to help your health. 
