Overcoming Depression and Trouble Sleeping During Uncertain Times

Overcoming Depression and Trouble Sleeping During Uncertain Times | HealthSoul

Everyone goes through varying degrees of coping during these hard times. Most people remain positive despite all the turmoil around us and try to live a normal life. But some people find it hard to adjust and find themselves constantly depressed and missing sleep.

These are exceptional times where health and physical safety are threatened. The pandemic, social instability, human-made, and natural calamities, and politics have all combined to put a serious brunt on everyone’s mental health.

Most people in the midst of a personal struggle often find themselves groping with fear and anxiety. Many have Trouble Sleeping caused by the uncertainty of times and personal problems. Getting a good night’s sleep seems to be a luxury nowadays, and cases of sleep disorders are on the rise.

Find the Right Support to Keep Your Anxieties in Check

One of the leading causes of sleeplessness is overthinking.  Though it is accepted that modern lives are for stress and problems, the recent health, political, and social problems continue to add to people’s worries.

Overthinking can have a serious impact on sleep quality because it keeps people’s minds racing during times when they are supposed to keep their eyes shut. People with some added stress like family and financial problems suffer from other mental instabilities, including depression and insomnia.

These intrusive thoughts often invade their minds when people are trying to silence their brains. In turn, it is hard to get sleep or maintain a quality slumber because thinking keeps them awake. Finding the right support either through friends, loved ones, or a professional sleep specialist will help lessen worries and anxieties that keep you awake at night.

Keep a Consistent Sleeping Routine

Everyone faces inconsistencies with their sleeping pattern either because of work or lifestyle choices. Setting your body’s natural clock by going to bed around the same time every day helps to make the necessary changes.

Nonetheless, to lessen instances of Trouble Sleeping, experts advise limiting your stay in bed to prevent instances of sleeplessness from appearing. Most people who stay in bed for seven hours spend two hours tossing and turning to get their bodies and minds ready for bed.

Limiting your stay in bed will help remove all the unnecessary activities which often compromise your sleep. Watching television, fidgeting with your smartphone, or reading a book contributes to sleep disorders, including insomnia.

Routine Relaxation Before Bedtime Gets You in the Mood for Rest

Relaxation and breathing exercises before getting to bed ready your body and mind. The process of controlled breathing calms your heart and also greatly affects the tranquillity of your brain.

Aside from that, relaxation also mollifies your nerves, so you are not plagued with all the negative thoughts affecting sleep. Spending a few minutes of your time before hitting the sack would rewire your mind and help you associate bedtime with relaxation.

Several breathing exercises are effective in putting a person to sleep. It includes:

  • The 4-7-8 breathing technique
  • Three-part breathing exercise
  • Bhramari pranayama exercise
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  • Buteyko breathing technique
  • Alternate nasal breathing
  • Kapalbhati breathing exercise

Essentially, these breathing exercises aim to lower your heart rate and adjust your body‘s response to sleepiness. Inhaling and exhaling in a controlled way allows you to recognize your body‘s need for rest, contributing to quality sleep.

Seek Help for your Sleeping Troubles

For some reason, you cannot get quality sleep because of overthinking, or you may be having a chronic sleeping disorder. It is best to seek the help of a sleep specialist. Early diagnosis means a highly successful treatment process and removes the effects of your sleeplessness.

Sleeping Troubles can also be an indication of an underlying problem like heart diseases, Parkinson‘s, Alzheimer‘s, asthma, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), among others. By catching the early signs of these problems, you are ensuring that you achieve a sound body and mind to make you fall asleep easier.

Seeking help will also help you discover techniques that will keep you from sleeping at night. Sleeping techniques like sleep restrictions, biofeedback, and stimulus control are part of the essential protocol professional‘s use.

The Takeaway

Sleeping problems are one of the unaddressed problems of today’s society. More and more people suffer from sleep disorders because of lifestyle choices. Additionally, the world is currently going through some tough times with the pandemic and political turmoil around the world.

Finding the state where you can normalize your sleep is only achieved with the right support, behavioral shift, and seeking help from a professional sleep specialist.
