Bark for your health: 8 ways salmon oil can make your dog healthier

Bark for your health: 8 ways salmon oil can make your dog healthier| HealthSoul

Whether you call them your furry best friend or pet, if you have one (or more) in your family they can add years of happiness and joy to your life.  Since the days when we created our first cave paintings depicting how man’s best friends roamed with us in harmony, dogs have been by our side day in and day out.   So when health-related issues arise, it is natural for dog owners and veterinarians alike to seek out anything that can help improve their four-legged companions’ well-being.

One way pet owners are combating these age-old problems is through giving their canine companions a fish oil supplement rich in Omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon oil. The 8 benefits of oil include:

1. Helps with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

As we get older, our bodies begin to turn against themselves. This is known as the inflammatory process. When this happens in the joints, it can create a lot of pain for both young and old alike. Veterinarians have been using fish oil/omega 3 fatty acids to help with the symptoms found in arthritis since the 1980s. In fact, you will find salmon oil listed as an ingredient on many non-prescription dog arthritis medications – which tells you that your veterinarian is well aware of its benefits!

2. Aids neurological function

As humans age, their brain matter begins to decline along with their mental acuity. Whether it be Alzheimer’s Disease or just general memory loss, adding some salmon oil to your dog’s diet can help. A study done at Purdue University found that dogs who were fed a diet with added salmon oil had higher levels of DHA – a nutrient known for its ability to improve cognitive function – in their bloodstreams.

3. Helps the little guy lose weight

Another benefit of omega 3 fatty acids/fish oil is that it aids with weight loss. As mentioned above, they are high in Omega 3 fatty acids. How does this relate to weight loss? It actually helps prevent fat from being deposited into fat cells! In addition, they also promote more efficient metabolism and better food uptake by the body which means happier and healthier pooches!

Adding a few teaspoons of oil a day to your dog’s food is one of the single best things you can do for his or her health.

4. The little guy loves it!

Fish oils come in different forms, from capsules to liquids and semi-solids. In addition, the principal ingredient – fish oil – is found in many different types of products. Many dogs will eat them from a spoon if that helps. Just remember to take out any bones if it’s canned salmon as they can cause choking!

5. Omega 3 fatty acids are good for their coats & joints

Salmon oil also contains Omega 3 fatty acids which helps improve a dog’s coat by adding luster and sheen while reducing shedding. If your dog’s coat is dull, you can also add a salmon oil supplement to your routine as a hair conditioner.

6. Some dogs have bad breath

Aside from being good for the skin and coat, Salmon Oil also helps improve a dog’s breath. Brushing your paws with salmon oil will help eliminate those nasty doggy breaths! Just be sure not to give it too much (it may yellow his teeth), and only brush the outside and not the insides of his teeth. This may cause tooth decay.

7. Salmon oils contain Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. It may also lead to muscle weakness, bone pain, and poor immune response. Salmon oil, with its rich content of vitamin D, can help your dog prevent some of these problems. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to several diseases such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. It may also lead to muscle weakness, bone pain, and poor immune response. Salmon oil, with its rich content of vitamin D, can help your dog prevent some of these problems.

8. Salmon oils contain Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are the “good” fats that help reduce inflammation in your pet’s muscles, joints, and connective tissues. Inflammation is a key factor in arthritis and hip dysplasia. And because it also reduces blood clotting, it can even protect from dangerous cardiovascular disease!
