Prostatitis: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Prostatitis occurs when the prostate becomes inflamed and swollen. It can cause a variety of painful symptoms and can interfere with a man’s daily life. This issue affects men of all ages but tends to be more common in men 50 or younger. It can come on quickly or over time, and it can go away just as quickly as it came. Most cases require medical treatment.

Prostatitis Causes

There are several factors that can cause prostatitis. Doctors must find the cause of the illness before they can come up with the appropriate treatment. Some common causes and risk factors of prostatitis include:

  • Bacterial infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Being young or middle-aged
  • Having had prostatitis in the past
  • Bladder infection
  • Pelvic trauma
  • Frequent catheter usage
  • Prostate biopsy

Prostatitis Symptoms

The symptoms of prostatitis can vary from person to person. Some people only experience mild symptoms, while others experience symptoms that are debilitating. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating
  • Urgent need to urinate
  • Frequent urination, particularly at night
  • Cloudy urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Pain in the abdomen, groin, or lower back
  • Pain in the area between the scrotum and rectum
  • Pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Fever
  • Chills

Prostatitis Diagnosis

Diagnosis prostatitis can difficult because the symptoms of the disease mimic those of many other health problems and illnesses. A doctor may conduct or order tests to help with the diagnosis. These tests include:

  • Urine tests: These tests help doctors check the urine for signs of infection. The patient urinates into a cup, and the urine is tested in a lab.
  • Blood tests: Blood tests help the doctors rule out certain infections, parasites, and other disorders that could be causing the symptoms.
  • Post-prostatic massage: The doctor may massage the prostate and then test the secretions. This can also tell the doctor if the prostate is working properly despite prostatitis.
  • Imaging tests: Imaging tests allow the doctor to look at the prostate to see if there are any physical problems.

Prostatitis Treatment

The treatment for prostatitis depends on the cause and severity. The most common treatments include:

  • Antibiotics: These are used to treat infections that could be causing prostatitis. This is the most common treatment used for the condition.
  • Alpha blockers: These medications help relax the bladder neck and the muscle fibers where your prostate joins your bladder. They can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the prostate.
  • Anti-inflammatory medications: These medications reduce swelling and inflammation so the prostate can relax and recover.

Prostatitis Prognosis

In most cases, prostatitis can be cleared up quickly and easily with antibiotics. However, with other underlying causes, more aggressive treatments may be necessary. Some people experience chronic or reoccurring prostatitis and must continue treatment throughout their lives. Finding the underlying cause is crucial for proper treatment. Once an effective treatment has been found, patients can live normal lives without further complications. Symptoms may also linger on even after the swelling has gone down.
