How To Protect And Manage Your Sexual Health

How To Protect And Manage Your Sexual Health | HealthSoul

Although most people equate managing sexual health with something that is most common among teenagers and young people, it is important to practice it at any age. This is especially crucial when you have a new partner. While it can be exciting to experience all the fun a new relationship offers, do so with your own health in mind to stay protected. In order to maintain a safe and healthy sex life, follow these guidelines for taking care of yourself and staying healthy.

Get To Know Your Partner

Getting to know a new partner is both important and healthy for any relationship. If you decide to become sexually active with your new partner, it’s important to learn as much as you can about their history, and if they have any STDs you should be aware of. Knowing if they have been exposed to an STD and are currently undergoing treatment, or if they have or want to have more than one partner can help you get a better idea of how to protect yourself. Make a point to talk to your partner and ask them questions, so you can get to know them better and understand their wants and needs within the relationship. Talk about what you want out of the relationship, such as commitment where the only partners you have are one another, or if you are open to the other person going on dates with others, or even doing the same for yourself.

Practice Safer Sex Every Time

No matter what you and your partner decide on for your relationship, make a point to have safer sex, and use protection. Condoms are the easiest way to ensure protection for both parties, although depending on the disease, they might not offer full protection. Dealing with genital warts, for example, might put one of you at risk for infection because sometimes the condom does not cover all of the infected areas. Keep in mind that even if you choose to practice alternative forms of intercourse, such as oral sex, you could still be putting yourself at risk if your partner is infected. Use protection religiously and keep an open discussion with your partner. Keep in mind that yeast infections, while not always acquired sexually, can be spread back and forth between partners if one person has it. While these methods aren’t 100% foolproof, you can both stay safe and avoid spreading infection between one another if it becomes an issue.

Get Checked Regularly

One final way that you and your partner can protect yourselves sexually is to regularly get STD testing. The way you can get tested has changed, with options that make it easy to test at home if you’re looking for privacy and comfort. By getting tested together, you can both show each other your results and even strengthen the bond of your relationship. Remember that if you ever suspect you have an STD, you should get tested, even if your partner does not want to go. Getting peace of mind can help you feel calm and know what to expect.

Protecting your sexual health is important at any age. Get to know your new partner and find out what they are wanting from a relationship with you, whether that is being committed or dating others, too. No matter what, practice safer sex with condoms, so you can avoid infection and passing it back and forth. Finally, take time for both of you to get checked regularly with STD testing. Following these steps can help you avoid infection, while being clear about the needs and wants of both parties in the relationship.
