Simple Ways Of Improving Your Mental Health

Simple Ways Of Improving Your Mental Health | HealthSoul

It’s vital to have a healthy body and mind. Your mental health is important because it impacts the way you feel about yourself and others, and how you deal with everyday difficulties. Mental health experts like Symmetry Counselling Services say that professional help should be used when treating mental health. According to research, 1 in 5 Australians suffer from mental illness yearly but don’t seek help because of stigma.

This article gives you some simple ways of improving your mental health.

1. Eat A Balanced Diet

Eat a Balanced Diet

Scientists are discovering that your mental wellbeing can be greatly linked to your diet. Unhealthy diets can impact both your physical and mental health. However, if you eat a balanced and healthy diet containing nutrients, fats, and fiber, managing your anxiety and stress levels will be simple. Apart from that, you’ll sleep well and concentrate more.

Cutting on your alcohol consumption can also help you to improve your mental focus. Alcoholic substances greatly affect the way the brain works and harms their ability to think, feel, and decide.

Whatever you consume nourishes every part of your body, including your brain. Moderate amounts of carbohydrates stimulate the production of serotonin that calm your moods, Protein-rich foods trigger the production of norepinephrine, tyrosine, dopamine which keep you alert.

Also, fruits and vegetables containing nutrients feed the cells in your body including those that regulate the chemicals responsible for enhancing mood. Research indicates that eating these foods daily can enhance your mood and restore the structural integrity of your brain cells. Every cell in your brain needs to be properly nourished to function well.

2. Be Positive

According to some research, the way you think about yourself greatly impacts how you feel. When you think about your life negatively, you’ll view experiences around you negatively. To boost your mental health, it’s vital to practice using words, promoting the feelings of personal power and self-worth. For example, instead of saying “I’m a great loser and I won’t get the job because I failed in the interview” you can say, “though I didn’t perform well in the interview as expected, it doesn’t mean I can’t get a job.” Cultivating a positive attitude will help your brain to secrete chemicals that boost your mood.

3. Be Grateful

Gratitude is linked to improved mental health, wellbeing, and happiness. The best way of boosting your feelings of gratitude is to keep a journal having a list of things you’re thankful for. Every day you should take your time to write at least one thing in that journal.

Contemplating on the things you’re grateful for daily can give you pleasant long-term benefits. It’ll help you appreciate the privileges that you have and most people don’t have. If these feelings fill your heart and mind, your mental health will also be enhanced.

4. Focus On The Moment

Focusing on past experiences can be overwhelming and sometimes weigh you down. Additionally, centering your thoughts on some difficult things you must do in the future will also increase your anxiety and stress levels. To avoid negative thoughts, you need to focus on one thing at a time. Scientists recommend that you focus on the present moment because it’ll help you to overcome negative thoughts from the past that may easily weigh you down.

You can start thinking about the moment by making yourself aware of the routine services you need to engage in like eating lunch, taking a shower, or walking home. You also need to pay attention to the physical sensations around you like smells, tastes, and sounds of things within your environment. Thinking about such experiences will help you to focus on the present. However, your mind may occasionally wander. But if it does so, use the same process to bring it back.

5. Exercise

When you work out, your body produces mood-boosting and stress-relieving endorphins that can help to combat depression, stress, and anxiety. It’s advisable to incorporate small daily activities into your day such as taking the stairs instead of using the elevator or taking a daily walk. To get the maximum benefits from exercise, work out for at least 30 minutes daily. You also need to expose yourself to sunlight because it’ll stimulate your body to produce vitamin D thus boosting serotonin levels in your brain. Research has also shown that spending time with nature can greatly reduce stress.

6. Rest

Sometimes when you feel overwhelmed with everything around you, step away from every activity and take a break till you feel a little better. Some simple breathing exercises can help to calm you from whatever stress and anxiety you’re undergoing. Take 10 deep breaths as you close your eyes, and then count 1 to 4 as you inhale. Do this repeatedly for around 10 minutes. This simple strategy has worked wonders for many and may also help you to calm down.

7. Sleep On Time

Sleeping well has been linked to a lot of health-related benefits, while sleep deprivation can negatively impact your physical and mental health. Though there are psychiatric and psychological problems that may cause sleep issues, not sleeping well can worsen depression, anxiety, and stress.

Psychologists recommend that you try to maintain a regular sleeping schedule every day and practice good sleeping habits. That may include shutting down the screen an hour before bed and using your bed only for sleeping or relaxing activities. Before bed, you should also avoid drinking caffeinated drinks and other stimulants.

8. Help Other People

Some studies show that helping other people can positively impact how you feel about yourself. If you’re kind and helpful towards others, you’ll build your self-esteem. Furthermore, the new purpose of helping others will expand and enrich your life.

Offering assistance can also help you connect and socialize with others. Socializing contributes greatly to living a balanced life. When you share your experiences with like-minded individuals, you’ll feel better, and stuff of loneliness and negative feelings. While with your friends, find activities that you enjoy such as playing a board game, completing a puzzle, or just chatting. Only ensure that you aren’t alone.


You need to have optimum mental health to do your daily tasks and activities effectively. Fortunately, you don’t have to visit a doctor to get mental therapy. You can start by following these simple tips.
