The Four Best Oils To Keep You Healthy

The Four Best Oils To Keep You Healthy | HealthSoul

It’s never been more important to keep your body and mind healthy. We all know to eat our fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, but did you know that using or consuming naturally occurring oils is a great way to boost your health quickly?

With a wide range of different natural oils, it can be hard to know which are right for you, so we’ve created this handy guide. Whether you want shiny, soft hair or to boost your heart and bone health, there’s a naturally occurring oil on this list that will improve your life.

Read on for our top four oils, which will have you looking and feeling fantastic!

With these four oils, you’ll be healthy inside and out.

1) Castor Oil

There are so many fantastic benefits to using castor oil. This vegetable oil comes from castor beans and is packed full of nutrients.

It’s incredibly versatile — you can use it for anything from moisturizing hair to reducing acne. With so many great uses, it’s a brilliant product to have on hand.

Castor oil is packed with occurring fatty acids, making it great for increasing moisture and shine in hair. You can easily order organic castor oil online, and your hair will be looking incredible before you know it. Just make sure you know which type you’re buying – some products are meant to be used on skin, hair, or even digested.

2) Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is bursting with nutrients and easy to consume. Cod liver oil is packed with vitamin A and vitamin D, which improves heart health. There’s significant evidence that it reduces triglyceride (a type of blood fat) levels.

Although the oil is found in, you guessed it, cod liver, it’s easy to buy this liquid gold on its own. Cod liver oil is usually consumed in capsules or liquid form measured out. You can easily buy it in supermarkets, health stores, and pharmacies.

3) Olive Oil

Although olive oil is high in calories and should be eaten in moderation, it has a range of brilliant benefits and is great for cooking and tasty too!

It’s high in great antioxidants to boost your health. The MD Anderson Cancer Center notes that eating a diet high in ingredients like olive oil can reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancers. This is because it’s high in beneficial Omega-3, unlike other oils that contain the potentially harmful Omega-6 (too much of this fat will raise blood pressure).

4) Argan Oil

If you’re struggling with oily or acne-prone skin, argan oil could be a game-changer for you. It’s full of omega fatty acids, linoleic acid, and vitamin E, which moisturize your skin without making it feel oily or clogging your pores. This can be great if your skin is a combination and normal moisturizers aren’t helping.

It can even help with acne. Many acne products damage and inflame the skin, which can actually increase acne in the long term. Using argan oil can help repair the skin barrier and moisturize.


With all these great options, you’ll be making beneficial decisions about the oils you use and see the benefits to your appearance and general health in no time. All these oils are easy to buy and incorporate into your daily routine, so you can feel better without destroying your bank balance.

Now the only thing that’s left to do is try these four oils and feel the difference!
