Blepharoplasty: Learn About The Procedure!

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Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a medical procedure commonly used to treat droopy or saggy eyelids. Essentially, it’s one of many types of plastic surgery. During the procedure, your doctor will remove the muscle, skin, and fat causing the area around your eyes to droop.

Indications for Blepharoplasty

Typically, people interested in anti-aging treatments seek out this procedure. As you age, it’s only natural for the skin around your eyes to begin sagging along with other parts of your body. That’s because as you age, your skin begins to lose its elasticity and collagen. You may notice your skin getting softer and less supple, which are signs of impending sagging. Fortunately, with procedures like blepharoplasty, you can combat certain signs of aging around your eyes.

Blepharoplasty isn’t only for people who want to look younger, though. If your vision is suffering because of sagging skin, you may also be a good candidate for the procedure.

Blepharoplasty: Preparing for the Procedure

Like many medical procedures, there are a few things you must do to prepare for your blepharoplasty. To start, you will meet with a plastic surgeon for an initial consultation. After the consultation, your plastic surgeon will run a variety of tests, including a physical exam and vision test to gather measurements of your eyes and ensure you’re healthy enough to undergo the procedure. It’s also important to inform your doctor and plastic surgeon of any medications you’re taking, including the following:

  • Prescription Drugs
  • Over-the-Counter Medications
  • Herbal Supplements

Chances are, if you’re taking any type of medication or supplements, your doctor will recommend you to stop taking it to decrease your risk of bleeding during and after the procedure. Also, if you’re a smoker, you will need to ditch the habit weeks before the procedure.

In addition to making the proper preparations before the procedure, you should make post-procedure plans as well. After all, for the first couple of days after your procedure, your eyelids may swell and interfere with your vision. Enlist the help of family and friends or pre-make a few meals ahead of time to simplify your recovery period.

Blepharoplasty: During the Procedure

Most of the time blepharoplasties are outpatient procedures, meaning you will likely go home shortly after the procedure. In rare cases, you may receive general anesthesia, though in most cases your surgeon will simply inject a numbing agent into your eyelids prior to performing the surgery. During the procedure, your surgeon will tackle your eyelids first by removing excess skin, muscle, and occasionally fat. From there, your surgeon may move on to your lower lid if you have under-eye bags. Again, your surgeon will make a small incision inside your eyelid or underneath your lower lash line and remove excess fat, muscle, and skin. In some cases, your surgeon may even secure the inside of your lower lid to the bony skeleton beneath.

Because blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure, your insurance likely won’t cover the cost. It’s important to double check with your doctor and insurance company ahead of time so you have a good idea of what you may owe in the end.

Blepharoplasty: Your Recovery

Compared to other procedures, the recovery period for a blepharoplasty is fairly short. Though you may experience swelling and pain shortly after the procedure, it typically clears up after a week or two. You may also experience other temporary symptoms, including light sensitivity and blurry vision. If these symptoms last longer than two weeks, contact your doctor.
