Kratom Influence on Mental Health

Kratom Influence on Mental Health| HealthSoul


Understanding Kratom

Using Kratom for Mental Health

How Does Kratom Help With Depression and Anxiety?

Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Depression

Possible Side Effects

Kratom’s Potential in Mental Health Therapy

Should you use kratom for depression and other mental health issues?

The herb, which comes in several forms, including kratom green Maeng Da powder (read more), is used by many with anxiety problems.

Check out the benefits the natural alternative to prescription medication offers and how it could help you with your condition.

Understanding Kratom

Kratom is a Southeast Asian plant native to Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The herb, scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, is known for its reported medicinal properties.

It also provides similar effects to coffee, making it excellent for people who want the energy surge without the sensations caffeine causes.

Traditionally, people use kratom to give them a boost to start their day and improve productivity. They typically chew the leaves or make tea.

You may also ingest the herb in a variety of forms, such as:

  • Capsules
  • Tablets
  • Tinctures
  • Gum

Using Kratom for Mental Health

Depression is a condition that affects many individuals. Therefore, knowing how to deal with depression is critical to avoid it causing severe problems.

Some people use kratom for depression and other medical conditions, including chronic pain. Exercise caution if you consider using the herb to treat those issues, as there’s limited research on the plant.

Another reason to be cautious is that the plant isn’t regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as it’s a dietary supplement.

How Does Kratom Help With Depression and Anxiety?

Although kratom isn’t an opioid, it produces similar effects as its primary psychoactive alkaloid, mitragynine, which binds to brain opioid receptors, relieving pain.

Indole alkaloids in the plant interact with serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine receptors, making them helpful in treating depressive and psychotic disorders.

Is there a link between kratom and serotonin syndrome? The compound helps nerve cells and brain functions, but a severe drug reaction may occur if the level gets too high.

Studies suggest that the herb’s ingredients may slow down the metabolism of prescription psychotropic medications, increasing the risk of serotonin syndrome.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that communicates between brain nerve cells and the rest of your body. It’s also the “good feeling” hormone that provides pleasure and motivates you, keeping you happy, alert, and focused.

How does kratom affect dopamine? The herb binds to opioid receptors, causing the brain to release more amounts of the chemical.

One animal trial showed that the herb lowered the mice’s corticosterone levels, which cause depression when elevated.

Kratom and its reputed stimulating effects might improve mental health by inducing pleasurable emotions in people with anxiety and depression.

As the herb has low toxicity, it shows promise in being a safe and manageable antipsychotic and antidepressant. One setback, though, is the potential for addiction to and dependency on the substance.

More research is necessary, but the FDA classifies mitragynine and indole alkaloids as opioids, making it challenging to conduct human trials.

Kratom Strains for Anxiety and Depression

Similar to marijuana, every kratom strain offers unique benefits. The claims are anecdotal, as there isn’t sufficient research on their specific effects. The following cultivars are popular with users who consume them for anxiety and depression:

  • Thai Maeng Da (Thailand)
  • Indo kratom (Indonesia)
  • Bali kratom (Indonesia)
  • Green Malay kratom (Malaysia)
  • Borneo kratom (Borneo)

If you’re keen to try them out, it’s advantageous to know how to buy them in bulk and save.

Possible Side Effects

Kratom can produce several effects, depending on the strain, individual’s sex and age, health, dosage, and other factors.

The ingestion method also plays a critical role in using the herb to treat anxiety and depression. Beware that there isn’t an optimal way to consume the substance during self-treatment due to the lack of research.

Available studies show that positive responses include:

  • Enhanced focus
  • Lower anxiety levels
  • Uplifted mood
  • Euphoria
  • Increased chattiness

Although it’s natural, there are several potential kratom side effects during mental health treatment to consider. Some are mild, such as:

  • Dry mouth
  • Itchiness
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting

To avoid severe discomfort, consume moderate doses. The sensations typically last about two hours, while heavy use can cause the effects to linger for up to five hours. Only increase your consumption when you’ve adapted to the dosage.

The herb may also interact with medication and alcohol, so be careful not to mix them. If you experience adverse effects, stop using it and seek medical attention.

Kratom’s Potential in Mental Health Therapy

The herb’s positive interaction with opioid receptors and its effect on serotonin and dopamine offers a potential treatment for mental health issues.

Although it’s a natural substance, before using kratom to care for depression and anxiety, it’s vital to consider the potential risks.

Be sure to consult a medical professional before adding it to your regimen. Also, don’t replace any prescription medication without your doctor’s consent.
