Why Should You Opt for Dental Amalgam Filling Alternatives?

Why Should You Opt for Dental Amalgam Filling Alternatives?| HealthSoul

As per recent data, around 92% of adults aged 20 to 64 have dental caries in their permanent teeth. Tooth decay should be treated timely, or there is a risk of losing the whole tooth. The dentist generally removes the area that has decayed and uses a dental amalgam filling to fill the space and level your tooth. Dental experts mention dental amalgam has mercury which is harmful to health.

If you have dental amalgam fillings in your teeth, you should consider mercury removal to protect your body from the ill effects of mercury. Here are some reasons to remove mercury-based amalgam dental fillings.


Some people are allergic to amalgam fillings. American Dental Association reports mention there have been few cases of amalgam allergic reactions reported by patients. The allergic reactions include skin allergies like itching and skin rashes.

People who have suffered from allergies after amalgam fillings have a family history of some metal allergy. If you have suffered allergies after getting amalgam fillings, you should approach a dentist for mercury removal and opt for amalgam alternatives.

Antibiotic Resistance

A study indicates mercury given out from dental amalgam provokes an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in oral and intestinal floras of primates. Thus dental amalgam increases the risk of bacterial diseases resistant to common therapies.

Alzheimer’s Disease

A study has revealed that people with mercury-laden dental amalgam fillings have a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s than people who don’t. The study report revealed that women with dental amalgam fillings have 1.132 times more Alzheimer’s disease.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Scientific studies indicated a strong association between exposure to electromagnetic fields and increased mercury level.

Medical experts mention pregnant women with dental amalgam fillings exposed to electromagnetic field waves are at higher risk of elevated mercury levels that increase the risk of autism rates. It could result in autism spectrum disorders in their baby.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Mercury poisoning has been related to various neurological problems, including chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, and symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, loss of memory and confidence, lack of concentration, nervousness, and irritability.

Kidney Disease

Dental fillings can also harm your kidney. People with more than eight dental amalgam fillings have more mercury in their blood. The higher mercury concentration in the bloodstream increases the risk of kidney damage and brain and heart diseases.

Oral Lichen Planus

Oral lichen planus is a continuing inflammatory condition that affects the mucous membrane of your mouth. Scientific studies indicate contact allergy to mercury compounds plays an important role in the origination and development of oral lichen planus.

Parkinson’s disease

The latest guidance issued by the Food and Drug Administration mentions dentists should avoid using dental amalgam fillings in patients with neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease. A few case-control studies indicate a positive association between dental amalgam and Parkinson’s disease.

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)

Lou Gehrig’s disease is closely related to high levels of mercury in the blood. A study indicates 61% of individuals with ALS had a higher mercury intake. Their toenail clipping results also showed elevated mercury levels increase ALS risks in individuals.

To sum up, mercury can cause several diseases and complications in the human body. Hence, you should opt for removing dental amalgam fillings and opt for mercury-free filling alternatives like ceramic inlays, glass ionomer cement, composite inlays, and direct placement composites.
