4 Things To Know About AED Price In Australia And New Zealand

4 Things To Know About AED Price In Australia And New Zealand | HealthSoul

An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a portable, life-saving device used to treat people during a sudden cardiac arrest, wherein the heart stops beating unexpectedly. This device can detect and analyze abnormal heart rhythm and deliver a defibrillation shock as needed.

But how are AEDs priced in the Australian and New Zealand markets? Find out the important things you need to know about AED pricing by reading below.   

1. Types Of AEDs

The type of AED you choose dictates the price. The two types of AEDs are public access AEDs (found in hospitals, schools, airports, and government buildings) and professional use AEDs (used by paramedics, emergency medical technicians, and other first medical responders). AED price depends on the type you want to invest in.

Moreover, AEDs may come as semi-automated or fully automated. Here are the details between the two:

  • Semi-automated AEDs: This type of defibrillator analyzes cardiac rhythm, and when the device detects abnormal heart rhythm, it prompts the rescuer to press a button to deliver a shock.
  • Fully Automated AEDs: This type of defibrillator analyzes the patient’s heart rhythm and delivers a defibrillation shock without rescuer intervention.

2. Cost Per Life Saved

The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Demonstration project was initiated by the collaborative engagement of the Department of Health and St. John Ambulance Australia in 2005. The initial budget to install AEDs was A$569,000, and the project received additional funding in May 2007 and October 2007. The total budget for the PAD project was A$869,562.

In the 2008 report of the Australian Department of Health And Aging, out of a total of 147 AED devices installed, there have been 20 reported activations, and out of this number, ten patients survived to ambulance handover, and three of them later died in hospital.

The PAD program operated efficiently, with the administration costs at 10% to 15% within acceptable benchmarks. During the early establishment stage, the cost per life saved was approximately A$84,000, equivalent to a total of seven lives saved by the PAD Demonstration AEDs project.

Cost per life saved

3. What To Look At AED Cost

Sudden cardiac arrest is a public health problem that can strike both children and adults. That‘s why a quick response is a must. AED became available in the mid-1990s, and the prices range from A$3,800 to A$6,400 (US$3,000 to US$5,000). Today, the price ranges from A$1500 to A$3,000 (US$1200 to US$3000), which significantly reduced in price.

When investing in AED, make sure to look at the following:

  • The total cost
  • What’s included
  • Accessories (like pediatric AED pads, spare AED pads, spare batteries, AED wall bracket or cabinet)
  • Replacement frequency of AED accessories
  • AED and CPR training
  • Medical Direction
  • Long-term replacement costs
  • Wages for training sessions and refresher training

4. Features Have Different Prices

AEDs have different features that also make the price different. Check the following AED features and their benefits:

  • AED Pads: AED pads have evolved throughout the years. The two general types of AED pads are for adult use and pediatric use.

Pediatric pads (for children aged less than eight years old or less than 55 pounds) are more expensive than adult pads. Because pads are made of adhesive gel and stick on the victim’s chest, they expire over time. Follow the manufacturer’s expiry dates so you’ll have good-working AED at all times and avoid defibrillator failure.

  • AED Batteries: Most AED equipment have lithium batteries with internal chips that record data. Battery shelf life varies from 1 to 5 years, depending on the brand. The longer the shelf life, the more expensive the AED equipment.
  • Water Resistance: AEDs have an ‘International Protection’ or IP Rating, indicating the protection against solid particles like dust and dirt (first digit) and protection from water second digit). For AEDs, the best IP rating is 6-8.
  • CPR Sensor: This critical feature of AEDs provides feedback on the compression’s depth, telling you to push harder if you’re not achieving 1-1/2 to 2 inches compression depth for adults.


Sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, children and adults alike. In Australia and New Zealand, the prices of AEDs range from A$1500 to A$3,000. The cost of AED installation was expensive in the past. With the evolution of new features and demand for AED, the prices are more competitive and affordable.

When buying AED equipment, it’s important to know the features and benefits. Each AED brand has something to be proud of. Hence, compare different brands and consider warranty and support from the company.
