Who Should Get The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Who should get the COVID vaccine | HealthSoul

As the COVID-19 pandemic persists, a beacon of hope has emerged. Starting in the waning days of 2020 and picking up speed as 2021 began, the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine has begun to turn the tide.

However, questions regarding the safety of the vaccine for certain demographics have muddied the waters. Due, in part, to the rapid rate at which the vaccine was developed and distributed, there has been a bit of confusion about who and who should not get the COVID-19 vaccination.

Thankfully, the answers are out there and are becoming clearer. Read on for a quick guide to who should and shouldn’t get the vaccine!

People Who Should Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

The list of people who should get the COVID-19 vaccine is long, and that is a very good thing. After all, the more people who are vaccinated and resistant to the virus that causes the illness, the less the illness can impact the community as a whole.

In fact, the vast majority of individuals can safely receive the vaccine and enjoy the benefits of protection and peace of mind. Adults of all ages—barring certain exceptions discussed below—should get the vaccine.

Those who have had and recovered from COVID-19 should still get the vaccine, as it is currently unknown how long and to what extent the body’s immune response can protect people from contracting the illness.

Pregnant and nursing women can be safely vaccinated. Doing so could be exceptionally advantageous to this people group, as they are at increased risk of COVID-19 complications.

Recently, it was determined that even children aged 12 years and older can safely receive the vaccine. While younger children will likely be cleared to be vaccinated in the near future, they are excluded for the time being.

People Who Should Not Get the COVID-19 Vaccine

While the vast majority of the population can safely choose to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, there are certain demographics who should not be vaccinated or should consult with a doctor before making a decision.

The most obvious demographic that should not receive the vaccine is those with severe allergies to any component contained in the vaccine. If you are concerned that you may be allergic to something in the vaccine, consult your doctor before making a decision, as your reaction could be severe.

As of now, children under the age of 12 have not been greenlighted to be vaccinated. While researchers believe receiving the vaccine at younger ages will be deemed safe, parents should wait until this presumption is confirmed before opting to have their children vaccinated.

Different Types of Covid Vaccines Approved in USA

Who Should Get The COVID Vaccine

You can book an appointment for COVID vaccine at your doctor’s office or pharmacies like LitonRx
