What to Expect When Attending Residential Rehab

What to Expect When Attending Residential Rehab| HealthSoul

About 92,000 people in the United States died from a drug overdose in 2020. Since 2015, the leading cause of injury-related death has been unintentional poisoning from drugs. Over 40,000 people suffer such injuries every year.

If you or your loved one struggle with drug addiction, consider checking in to rehab. The earlier you get professional help, the better your chances of recovery. There are residential rehab centers for all sorts of addictions.

Their benefits include constant access to care, specialist treatment programs, and being in a positive environment. Residential rehabs make it easy for you to avoid temptation.

Here is what to expect if you attend a residential rehab.

Treatments and Therapies That May be Offered

Depending on your requirements and the program you are attending, different types of treatments and therapies are offered in residential rehab facilities. Throughout your recovery process, at Cornerstone Rehab, you can expect the following forms of treatment:

Individual Therapy

You will have scheduled face-to-face sessions with a mental health professional. The sessions enable you to have an honest look at yourself, your addiction problem, and its impact on your life.

The therapist can assist you in identifying your addiction triggers. This plays a crucial role in your healing process as the therapist will educate you on productively dealing with these triggers.

A physician will determine the suitable therapies for your treatment. However, behavioral therapies are highly recommended for addiction treatments.

The most common types of behavioral treatments include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – helps you identify the underlying factors that lead to substance abuse. It also enables you to learn about healthy coping mechanisms as you recover.
  • Motivational Interviewing helps you solidify your substance-free resolution and improves your motivation.

Group Therapy

During group therapy sessions, group members, under the leadership of a therapist, discuss their experiences, challenges, and progress in their recovery journey. Apart from emphasizing particular recovery stages, such as relapse prevention, group sessions also support people with mental disabilities.

Group therapy sessions provide safe spaces for people from all backgrounds. Most of the individual therapy techniques, such as skill development and psychoeducation, are also applicable in group therapy.

Family Therapy

Research indicates that involving family and friends in the recovery process contributes to a positive rehab outcome. Therefore, most residential rehab centers include family counseling in their program.

It presents an excellent opportunity to share your experiences and helps your loved ones learn how they might have contributed to your addiction. It also helps them understand how they can support you after discharge from the facility.

The Detoxification Process

After the initial evaluation, you need to undergo a detoxification process. It involves the removal of substances such as drugs and alcohol from your body after extensive use. Although you may find the process difficult, it is vital to rid your body of these harmful substances. It prepares you physically and mentally for the task awaiting you in residential rehab.

You may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if you abruptly stop using high-dependency substances such as cocaine, heroin, benzodiazepines, or morphine. However, you can receive medication to ease the withdrawal symptoms of these substances.

Types of Rehab Centers

There are several types of residential rehab facilities that you can choose. However, you do not need to independently evaluate which is the most suitable for your unique situation. A physician, social worker, staff at the facility, or mental health expert, will help you determine the best choice.

Long-Term Residential Rehab

This facility offers round-the-clock services in a residential environment that is not a hospital. Most residency periods range from six to 12 months. The treatment in these facilities involves individual and group therapy sessions, socializing with other residents and staff, and educational classes on addiction, mental health, nutrition, and many other informative subjects.

Short-Term Residential Rehab

Short-term residential rehab treatment programs are based on the 12-step approach to recovery from addiction. They were initially meant for people with alcohol use disorder. However, it now helps treat people with various drug and substance use disorders.

These treatments usually last for three to six weeks. They are followed by outpatient care and support groups like AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to minimize the risk of relapse.

Outpatient Therapy

Outpatient treatment involves living at home while regularly going to a treatment facility. Although you don’t live at the treatment facility, you will participate in the same types of programs offered at residential rehab facilities.

If you are struggling with substance addiction, you must seek help. Residential rehab facilities are focused on helping you achieve lasting recovery. Find a facility with professional staff and quality services.
