Visit with Parents More Often to Help Them Live Longer

We all know that being lonely can be a very unpleasant thing. However, a recent study proves that being lonely can actually have a negative effect on our health. With the study focusing on adults over the age of 71, it was determined that nearly one in three individuals who were feeling lonely at that age died within 6 years. This study showed that having important relationships is just as crucial as losing weight to extending your lifespan. This is why it is so important for younger family members to include their parents and grandparents in their lives.

The Importance of Interactions with the Elderly Parents

Researchers have gone far enough to say that loneliness is a bigger health risk than smoking or obesity. For example, laughing can be a great way to boost immunity, lower blood pressure, and stimulate mental activity. It is important for the elderly to form relationships that will help them through their older years. While senior centers can be a great way for the elderly to make friends, there is nothing quite like the relationships that the elderly have with their children and grandchildren. This is why it is important for children and grandchildren to make an effort when their parents are reaching an older age.

The key to enjoying time with elderly parents and grandparents is patience. Trying to understand their interests can also be helpful in bridging the generational gap. It is a mutually beneficial relationship in which the elderly parents or grandparents live longer and those spending time with them gain invaluable information from someone who has witnessed our world evolve, can impart valuable life lessons, and who is the key to unlocking information about ancestors and family trees.

Health Benefits to Creating Relationships with Elderly Parents

Grandparents who help babysit have a much less likely chance to develop Alzheimer’s and dementia. Feeling wanted and needed is important for those in their older age. When your parents or grandparents help to babysit, important relationships are built.

When the elderly feel as though they have strong relationships, and they have social activity late in life, it can help reduce their risk of:

  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Anxiety
  • Other mental ailments
  • A decline in motor skills

How to Incorporate Elderly Parents into Your Life

Create a Routine

Creating a schedule to visit parents on a regular basis is a great way to make it easier to visit parents and grandparents. This also creates a routine that both parties can look forward to. While it may take discipline to initiate, it is worth creating these habits knowing that it can help prolong the lives of parents or grandparents.

A Digital Visit

Even if you’re not able to visit your elderly parents or grandparents on a regular basis, there are now digital ways that you can connect with your loved ones on a regular basis. Video chats are a great way to keep in touch when a trip to their home is not possible. However, it is important to physically visit them when possible.

Also, if one or both of your parents suffers from arthritis be sure to check out our article on treatment options.


Carla M. Perissinotto, MD, MHS; Irena Stijacic Cenzer, MA; Kenneth E. Covinsky, MD, MPH. “Loneliness in Older Persons: A Predictor of Functional Decline and Death.”

Buchman AS1, Boyle PA, Wilson RS, Fleischman DA, Leurgans S, Bennett DA. “Association between late-life social activity and motor decline in older adults.” Arch Intern Med. 2009 Jun 22;169(12):1139-46. DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2009.135.
