Using Ayurveda for Arthritis Treatment

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Ayurveda is a traditional form of medicine that has its roots in the Indian subcontinent. Like several other Eastern forms of traditional medicine, Ayurveda places a significant focus on natural remedies when it comes to dealing with ailments and afflictions. These natural Ayurvedic practices place a strong focus on what is taken into the body (nutrition and dieting), frequent exercise, and regular meditation. Depending on the severity and progression of your condition it may be possible to make use of Ayurveda for arthritis treatment on its own, or on the other hand you may find that it is more effective if you use Ayurvedic remedies in conjunction with modern medicine.

Ayurveda for Arthritis: What Treatments Does Nature Have in Store?

As stated before, one of the key ways that you can make use of Ayurveda for arthritis is to use these natural remedies alongside modern medical treatment plans. However, virtually every form of modern medicine carries some type of side effect or can have negative reactions with certain substances- even natural ones! As a result of this, it is recommended that you always consult your doctor before using any of the following natural remedies in conjunction with your current arthritis treatment plan. Furthermore, even if you aren’t currently utilizing a doctor-approved arthritis treatment plan, you should take precautions if you: have an upcoming surgery, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Capsaicin for Easing Pain

When it comes to making use of Ayurveda for arthritis, capsaicin has actually had a lengthy history as a pain reliever. So, what is capsaicin? Capsaicin is a naturally occurring substance that can be found in chili peppers. In fact, it is notable for being the heat-producing active ingredient in this spicy fruit. While it may seem counterintuitive to use such a volatile substance to treat arthritis, it actually works wonders. Medical studies have found that the way that capsaicin works is that it directly facilitates the release and depletion of substance P, a pain transmitter in the body. It was also found that regular use of capsaicin over several weeks led to the gradual prevention of substance P being built up.

Modern medicine has realized the benefits of capsaicin and as a result of this, there are now several topical creams, patches and gels, that make use of this natural substance as an active ingredient. However, as with all topical remedies, it is important that you perform a small and safe skin patch test beforehand to avoid severe allergic reactions.

Fish Oil Reduces Inflammation and Pain

If you’ve previously asked about how you can make use of Ayurveda for arthritis, then you have most likely already heard fish oil being suggested. This isn’t surprising, since fish oil is one of the most commonly recommended natural remedies for arthritis (specifically rheumatoid arthritis). But how exactly does fish oil work to alleviate the effects of arthritis?

It has been proven that the Omega-3’s that are present in fish oil can successfully work to alleviate the symptoms of arthritis by directly blocking the chemicals that most often cause the inflammation and then subsequently converting them into corresponding anti-inflammatory substances. However, it is to be expected that the success of this relief will vary from person to person but it is also worth noting that individuals with rheumatoid arthritis have higher success rates.

Capsules are the most common way that fish oil is administered, with the recommended daily dosage being 500 mg. As stated before, since we are making use of Ayurveda for arthritis, then a natural remedy is what we are looking to utilize. Several fish oil capsules on the market make use of excessive artificial additives; try your best to avoid these. Talk to your doctor beforehand if you are taking birth control pills or any medication that slow blood clotting. You also should not make use of fish oil if you have certain medical conditions; these include:

Massages and Hot & Cold Therapy

These are treatments that have absolutely no risk of negative side effects when they are done properly. When it comes to making use of Ayurveda for arthritis, these are two treatments that are sadly overlooked; however, they can be extremely effective. The only thing that you should be wary of when you are considering a massage is if you have had blood clots in the past.

A moderate pressure massage is all that is needed to see results, there is no need for anything that is more intense. Overall, this can lead to:

  • Short-term relief of tension and pain
  • An improvement in joint function
  • Better-quality sleep patterns
  • Long-term relief of pain

Making use of hot & cold therapy may seem like a redundant combination of opposites but each of them has their own way of handing the symptoms of arthritis. The great thing about these treatments is that unlike a massage, it is easy enough to handle these on your own from the comfort of your home if you want to.

A heat treatment can include simple things like a warm bath or a warm shower; more direct and localized techniques like a heating pad or heat patch; or relaxing experiences like a sauna or hot tub. On the other hand, cold therapy can vary from simply wrapping ice in a towel and applying it to a specific area or going for a full blown (or partial) ice bath.

Closing Note

These are just a few of the ways that you have make use of Ayurveda for arthritis; in fact, simple thing like aromatherapy, vitamin supplements, and meditation, have also been shown to have varying degrees of success. Regardless of what natural treatment you choose to go with when it comes to making use of Ayurveda for arthritis, it is always important that you run it by your doctor – no matter how trivial it may seem. In addition to this, if you begin to notice any irregularities or allergic reactions then stop the treatment and contact a medical professional right away.
