Tremors: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Do you suffer from tremors? A tremor is a repeated and uncontrollable movement in some part of your body. It is not location specific, meaning that it can happen anywhere in your body. While tremors have a variety of causes, it usually stems from an issue in the area of the brain that controls your body movements. While they are not always a sign of something serious, they can be an indicator that something is wrong. Treatment options are limited, but most people find that tremors go away on their own. Keep in mind that muscle spasms and tremors are not the same things; muscle spasms happen in the muscles, while tremors result from issues in the brain.

If you are experiencing tremors, it’s a good idea to go to your physician, so he or she can identify the root cause of the issue and rule out anything more serious.

Tremors Causes

 Tremors aren’t a disease or illness themselves; rather, they are a symptom of other problems. Tremors can be caused by a wide variety of factors, including:

Tremors Symptoms

 Experiencing tremors is a symptom that indicates an underlying problem. When you have tremors, you may notice that a part of your body is moving uncontrollably. Depending on the cause of the tremors, you might notice other symptoms, including:

  • Tiredness
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Trouble walking, talking, and speaking

Contact your doctor if you display any other neurological symptoms.

Tremors Diagnosis

 Many tremors are not a sign of anything serious. When you are feeling anxious or are under a lot of stress, tremors can arise on their own. They should go away once you start to feel better. In addition, too much caffeine or too much alcohol can also cause tremors, so these factors might explain why you are experiencing the symptom.

However, if your tremors seem unexplained, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible. He or she will conduct a physical examination, paying special attention to the area in which the tremor has shown up. You may also undergo tests checking your blood or urine to rule out serious issues. In addition, you may have to have a neurological exam or an EMG (electromyogram).

Tremors Treatment

 Depending on the cause of your tremors, you will have several different treatment options available to you, including:

  • Medication: Some physicians may prescribe medications, such as tranquilizers or beta blockers.
  • Injections: Botox injections may help some patients.
  • Physical therapy: Some patients can benefit from physical therapy.
  • Surgery: If your tremors are serious and debilitating, you may have to undergo brain stimulation surgery.

Tremors Prognosis

The prognosis for tremors depends on the cause. Causes like stress, anxiety, and an increased caffeine intake all have a very good prognosis. Mostly, you just have to wait out the uncomfortable sensations. However, causes like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and multiple sclerosis are more serious and can even be fatal. Ask your doctor for more information about your particular situation.


American Academy of Neurology
