Top 7 Safe Procedures for Younger-Looking Skin

Top 7 Safe Procedures for Younger-Looking Skin | HealthSoul

Beautiful younger-looking skin is everyone’s goal nowadays. But considering the lengths that some people go to just to attain a radiant aura, you are better off trying safer methods than putting yourself in harm’s way.

Sure, facial wipes and charcoal masks and expensive skin regimens can make it seem like your skin is fully exfoliated, but the damage they cause to healthy cells is one good reason to look for other ways of improving skin health.

For this, let’s take a look at a few effective and widely accepted procedures that can help you look younger.

1. Mechanical exfoliation

First in our list is a clinically proven way to peel off dead skin cells and allow healthier cells to surface, resulting in a more radiant complexion and blemish-free skin. Also known as dermabrasion, this procedure involves using a specialized tool to get rid of worn-out cells while leaving healthy ones intact. Used for hundreds of years, this procedure has been given a much-needed boost in terms of reliability. That alone should convince you to give it a try. Then again, you can try out other means to care for your skin.

2. Chemical peels

Now, the word “chemical” may be enough of a red flag to convince you to avoid this procedure, but you might have second thoughts when we explain the benefits. No doubt, various chemicals such as AHA and phenol are used for this procedure and applying a skin peeling solution on yourself could lead to all sorts of trouble. This is the reason why chemical peeling is only safe when handled by a licensed skin care professional who knows the right types of chemicals to use and in the right amounts. Compared with major cosmetic surgery, this procedure should leave you without any long-term complications.

3. Microdermabrasion

At this point, you already know what dermabrasion is all about. But as much as it helps to get rid of worn out skin, it’s not always the best method to use on any type of skin. On most people, traditional exfoliation techniques typically take a long time to heal. And one thing’s for sure, it does not cover all areas. For a more thorough result, you may have to consider microdermabrasion which involves sanding the skin with microcrystals. The procedure minimizes the collateral damage to healthy cells, which makes it ideal for people who have very sensitive skin.

4. Nonablative lasers

When it comes down to fixing imperfections on the skin, it’s important that you go deeper without damaging the top surface. How is that possible? Nonablative lasers are specially designed to heat underlying layers and promote the production of collagen, the protein that causes younger-looking skin. Using nonablative lasers, you can even out your skin tone and firm up your skin.

5. Botulinum toxin

The use of this substance has had a bad rap over the years as celebrities inject their faces with it to make it seem like they are ageless. If anything, botulinum toxin injections are still a safer way to attain younger-looking skin compared to cosmetic surgery, which has the potential to cause numerous long-term complications. In the hands of a licensed professional, botulinum toxin injections, or Botox®, should effectively reduce wrinkles and fine lines without the need for corrective surgery.

6. Diode lasers

Another way you can attain healthy skin is using diode lasers that function similar to nonablative lasers. The only difference is that diode lasers work more effectively on acne. They work by getting under the skin eliminating excess fat for a smoother and grease-free finish. Just like nonablative lasers, you may need to undergo several sessions of diode laser treatment to get the results you desire.

7. Intense pulsed light

Sun damage can cause rapid aging, so you may need to reverse its effects by using light therapy. With intense pulse light, you can easily reduce blemishes without damaging the outer layer of skin similar to non-ablative laser therapy. It also works well against acne and wrinkles, the result being smoother and fairer skin. A dermatologist is recommended that has the expertise and equipment to perform treatments with IPL therapy.

Younger-looking skin is attainable with all the technology that’s at our disposal. And considering that skincare procedures are undergoing constant innovation, we can continue to expect better and safer methods for accomplishing our skincare goals.

In the meantime, if you are considering any of the procedures suggested above, make sure to consult with a licensed professional and find a clinic you can trust.
