Tips for Improving Your Success With Addiction Recovery

Tips for Improving Your Success With Addiction Recovery | HealthSoul

Addiction recovery is a multifaceted process. Many people have visions of the Hollywood version, with glossy rehabilitation centers, group therapy, and poignant breakthroughs. While that’s the reality for some, much of addiction recovery happens after the program is over. It’s what you do in the months and years that follow.

Small actions yield big results. Here are some real-world tips for improving your success with addiction recovery.

Find the Right Program for You

No two addiction recovery programs are the same. Some take a varied approach and incorporate a blend of methodologies, some have therapeutic interventions available, and some are catered to niche groups. For example, when you look for drug rehab in NJ, you can find everything from general 12-step programs to addiction treatment catered to the Jewish community.

Finding the right program for you is essential for success. Look for a program that offers ongoing support after the initial rehabilitation or detox is complete to improve your chances of success over time.

Understand Your Triggers and Warning Signs

Diving into past trauma and learning healthy coping skills is just one side of the recovery equation. It’s also important to develop self-awareness and know what works and doesn’t for you.

Identifying your triggers means knowing what situations, places, or people could increase your risk for a relapse. For example, going out after work with coworkers may not be feasible during your early days of recovery. Specific stressors in your life may increase cravings or encourage you to revisit unhealthy coping mechanisms. These triggers may change over time.

Understanding signs of an impending relapse is also a must for continued success. You may notice a resurgence in old thought patterns or emotions. Recognizing the early stages can help you and your support team prevent a regression.

Explore New Goals and Hobbies

Recovery can be a lonely experience, as it often requires shifting away from old activities and social groups. Replacing these activities with new goals and hobbies can help you create structure and direction while finding joy.

Brainstorm a list of new activities or skills you’d like to try. This next step in your life is also an opportunity to meet new friends and find sober-centric activities.

Nourish Your Body

The World Health Organization said it best when they reported, “without mental health, there can be no true physical health.” Experts have claimed this correlation a “bidirectional relationship,” indicating that it works both ways.

Nourishing your body and mind is vital for success with recovery. This means addressing the pillars of health and wellness:

  • Movement – engaging in regular physical exercise.
  • Nutrition and hydration – providing the body with nutrients.
  • Mindfulness stress reduction – engaging in stress management activities.
  • Sleep – Prioritizing sleep hygiene.

There are proven connections between sleep, movement, nutrition, stress, and overall health. Prioritize these activities to aid your recovery journey.

Celebrate Every Step Forward

Finally, celebrate the journey, not just the destination. Every small step forward takes you further away from the life that was and closer to your potential. Focusing on the priorities above can improve your chances of lifelong addiction recovery.
