Pygeum Benefits

Pygeum Benefits | HealthSoul

How Pygeum benefits were found?

Pygeum herb is a native African palm tree, which is scientifically known as Pygeum africanum. During the period of the 1700s, African people use the bark of this evergreen tree for treating urinary bladder discomfort. Mountain forest in the African Equilateral regions, including Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Zambia.

The bark of this tree has some distinct features including red to blackish-brown colored, square-cracks and ridges with a strong aroma. Almond scent and characteristic hydrocyanic acid-like odor make this herbal part a unique, natural medicinal ingredient.

In 1960, European countries started using Pygeum herbal extract for treating benign prostatic hyperplasia. Currently, this herb is widely used in France to treat this condition. In benign prostatic hyperplasia, due to the enlargement of the prostate gland patient feels difficulty to empty the bladder. The prolonged untreated condition leads to urinary tract infection, renal stone formation, painful sexual intercourse, bladder or kidney damage, and incontinence. Apart from bladder and prostate gland disorder, African people and people from Madagascar also used this plant bark for treating fever, stomach ache, psychological disorder, generalized urinary tract disorder, and as an aphrodisiac. They also used milk-based infusions of this plant as a substitute for almond milk for cooking purposes. [1]

What are the phytochemicals present in Pygeum herb?

The bark of this plant majorly contain fat-soluble compounds, including different types of phytosterols, such as beta-sitosterol, beta-sitosterol 3-glucoside, and beta-sitostanol, etc. Other primary active ingredients are a variety of alkanols, fatty acids, sterols and triterpenes, friedelin 2- a-hydroxyursolic acid, epimaslinic acid, and maslinic acid). Tannins are also found in the plant. [1]

Phytochemical present in Pygeum herb | HealthSoul

What is the mode of action of health benefits of Pygeum?

The phytosterols composition like beta-sitosterols present in pygeum bak has anti-inflammatory property, which reduces the prostaglandin formation in the prostate gland. Ferulic esters, other pygeum components reduce the prolactin hormone secretion. Thus, this herbal ingredient regulates testosterone uptake in the prostate gland. Phytochemical like pentacyclic triterpenes reduce edema by inhibiting some enzymatic action responsible for the inflammatory condition. The combination of phytochemicals present in pygeum bark able to neutralize biochemical changes associated with BPH.

Animal research findings reported that Pygeum bark could prevent unwanted prostate cell proliferation by inhibiting the fibroblast growth factor, which is responsible for benign prostatic hyperplasia development.

Pre-treatment with Pygeum bark helps to prevent ischemic injury in the urinary bladder. This condition is quite common with BPH. The obstruction in the bladder outlet occurs due to BPH causes an unnecessary contraction in the bladder muscle, which leads to biochemical dysfunctions. Animal study researchers found this positive result and expected that this herbal remedy is effective to protect human bladder muscle tissue against cellular damage induced by obstruction of urinary flow. [1]

How Pygeum herb Prevent & Cure Diseases | HealthSoul

What are the different forms of Pygeum?

Different European countries manufacture Pygeum Herb containing products and available locally to treat different disorders naturally.

  • Soft extract of Pygeum Herb are usually encapsulated to treat moderate disorders associated with Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Each capsule contains 50 mg of extract. The recommended treatment period usually varies from 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Lipo-sterolic extract of Pygeum Herb are encapsulated with 30 mg of extract to treat polyuria, nocturia, and urinary retention. The recommended treatment period usually varies from 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Prunus africana soft extract tablet contains 46 mg of the extract is recommended for treating frequent urination, the need to urinate at night, impeded urination, dropping. [1]

Different Forms of Pygeum herb & Their Uses | HealthSoul

Pygeum uses

Several clinical trial data represented that men with benign prostatic hyperplasia had greatly benefitted from the treatment received. The quality of the treatment receiver improved by reduction of urinary urgency, nocturnal urinary frequency, inhibition of prostate cell proliferation, and reduction of residual urine volume in the bladder.

Obstructive urinary symptoms

The benefit of pygeum extract against benign prostatic hyperplasia is well researched. There is a number of the human trial also conducted and the obtained results supported the benefit of this herb. During the period between 1966 to 2000, there were 18 randomized clinical trials involved urological symptoms affected 1,562 men and all these study results reported overall symptomatic improvement compared with placebo-treated patients. These clinical research findings have statistically proven that the pygeum herb can be therapeutically used to treat obstructive urinary symptoms. [1]


Inflammation of Prostate gland can occur due to infectious or non-infectious condition. The clinical research study had proven that 100 mg of pygeum intake for 5 to 7 weeks can provide symptomatic relief associated with prostatitis, such as urinary frequency, urgency, or pain. [1]

Male sexual dysfunction 

Both benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis can cause sexual dysfunction. A clinical research trial conducted to check the efficacy of pygeum bark extract against sexual dysfunction reported that the study participants who received this herbal treatment had experienced improved sexual function. There is no incidence of hormonal dysregulation or penile rigidity after taking this therapy. This research finding indicates that pygeum herbal treatment may be beneficial for patients having sexual dysfunction.  [2]


Pygeum herb significantly inhibits lipid peroxidation due to its antioxidant property. Animal research study has proven the antioxidant property of Pygeum herb. [1]

Pygeum Side effects

Clinical trial data provide evidence that pygeum herb is safe and well-tolerated. There is a trial report found significant side effect after using pygeum herbal remedy. Rarely this pygeum can cause gastrointestinal problems such as stomach pain, constipation, and diarrhea. The recommended dose of pygeum herb is 100-200 mg per day. Research finding also reported that Pygeum extract did not interact with other herbs, drugs, or dietary supplements. [2]

Side effects & precautionary Measures of Pygeum herb | Healthsoul


  1. Assessment report on Prunus africana (Hook f.) Kalkm., cortex. European Medicines Agency. 
  2. Pygeum. LifeExtention Magazine
