Outdoor Activities: Keeping Kids Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Outdoor Activities: Keeping Kids Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic | HealthSoul

It seems as if a parent’s job is to constantly worry. From bike safety to bullying at school and everything in between, as a mom or dad, you are going to constantly be thinking of the best ways to keep your child safe.

In 2020, parents added a new worry to their list: COVID-19. The school became an overwhelming responsibility for parents at home, but as the warmer summer months hit and school let out, there’s a good chance you have wondered how to allow your child the exercise and activity their little bodies crave while also safeguarding them from the virus.

Parents definitely have a reason to be concerned. Evidence shows the virus spreads rapidly from person to person, rather an infected individual is showing symptoms or not. Add in the fact droplets from coughing, or sneezing can travel up to six feet and live on a number of surfaces, including plastic, cardboard, and metal, for days or even weeks, and it is no wonder we are seeing a global pandemic unlike any other in our lifetime.

However, there is good news. With the right precautions, you can allow your child to get out and explore, boosting their mood – and let’s face it, your mood too, because we all know being cramped up with kids who are dying to get out and play is no fun.

Make Use of Your Own Backyard

The safest place for your children to play is going to be in their own backyard. Your kids can roam and play whatever their hearts desire without the worry of touching a surface or picking up an object touched by someone with COVID-19. Allow your kids to play hide-and-seek with their siblings, kick a soccer ball, or grab some chalk and color. To make this time during the pandemic extra fun for your kids, get a quality backyard playset for your kids. It will be like a trip to the park right in their own backyard, offering hours upon hours of fun without the risk of infection.

Avoid Playgrounds

While your own backyard is ideal for avoiding the virus, not everyone has the outdoor space needed to play for hours. Many playgrounds are still open and available to youngers, but unfortunately, this can be a dangerous spot for your little ones. A study conducted by the University of California Los Angeles and National Institutes of Health found it took 16 hours for just half of the virus to die when small droplets were applied to a variety of surfaces. On stainless steel, a common surface found in playgrounds, it took 13 hours to die. Climbing gyms, trampoline parks, zoos, and splash pads also contain surfaces where a virus can live for hours, or even days, posing a threat to your child.

Take Advantage of Trails

While it can seem impossible to find a safe outdoor space away from your home, the good news is hiking trails provide the perfect way for you and your kids to get some exercise and explore nature. As long as the trail is not crowded and you and your family can maintain at least six feet of space between other hikers, there is no reason why you can’t devote a day to walking and spending time with one another.

Find Softer Surfaces

Keeping in mind that you need at least six feet between you and others who are not a part of your household, it can be safe to play on a softer surface. Those types of surfaces, such as sandy beaches, have been proven to be less likely to hold the virus. Take a trip to your local lake or ocean or find an open field with dirt where you can play a game of tag.

This time in our history can a scary and uncertain time. You want to do your very best to keep those closest to you safe, but keep in mind it is okay to get out and have fun if you follow the right precautions. A dose of sunshine and fresh air will do your kid’s body, as well as their mind, some good.
