Massage Therapy Can Improve Pain from Burn Scars

Massage Therapy Can Improve Pain from Burn Scars | HealthSoul

Pain from burn scars comes in many forms, and it can have a serious effect on your quality of life. Find out why massage therapy is recommended for many patients with burn scars, and how it can aid in your recovery.

A serious burn can be a traumatic experience, especially when it causes significant scarring. The affected area may be intensely sensitive, itchy or painful long after the healing process has run its course.

The Facts About Pain from Burn Scars

The American Burn Association reports that 486,000 burn injuries requiring medical treatment occurred in 2016 alone. For many of these patients, raised, itchy and sensitive scars are a constant reminder of their traumatic injury. Depending on the severity of burns, range of motion may also be affected.

For many people, pain from burn scars is not merely physical. It can also be emotionally painful, particularly for those whose scars make them sensitive to touch. Friends and even close family members can become frightened to touch the affected skin for fear of causing injury, leaving burn survivors with their touch needs unmet. Touch is a vital but often unrecognized need for all humans, one burn survivors often lack significantly.

No two burn survivors will have the same kinds of sensation and pain from burn scars, but massage therapy can have a surprisingly substantial impact on the overall health of burn survivors.

How Massage Addresses and Treats Pain from Burn Scars

Working with a licensed massage therapist who understands the unique needs of burn survivors can provide relief from the pain of burn scars in a variety of ways. Massage therapy for burn survivors often focuses on manipulating the scar tissue beneath the skin, which can be tight and resistant to movement. Loss of range of motion is common with serious burns, but massage therapy can work to reverse the process while restoring movement and fluidity.

In addition to massage therapy administered in a professional setting, a licensed massage therapist may also teach you self-massage techniques you can use at home to supplement your care, giving you the power to aid in the treatment of tightness, itchiness and pain from burn scars.

While this can be an invaluable therapeutic addition for many burn survivors, it is important to consult with your physician or care team before beginning a massage therapy treatment plan. Skin that is still fragile or not fully healed can worsen if treated improperly, and it’s vital to follow the instructions of medical providers if you’ve suffered second- or third-degree burns with significant amounts of scarring.

Many burn centers offer massage therapy as part of their overall treatment plan, sometimes in conjunction with occupational therapy designed to promote the best possible outcomes in terms of mobility and skin condition.

On a deeper level, massage therapy can address the emotional pain from burn scars by reducing cortisol levels and boosting production of serotonin and dopamine. Oxytocin, a bonding hormone, is also released, which can help to fulfill very real touch needs of burn survivors. With the potential to aid in so many different areas, massage therapy can certainly play a vital role in recovery from serious burns.
