Is the F-Factor Diet Good for Optimal Gut Health ?

Is the F-Factor Diet Good for Optimal Gut Health ? | HealthSoul

It’s been more than ten years since the term “F-Factor Diet” has been first heard in public. Since then until now, many are eyeing about how this diet can incorporate what most of us have been wanting for—eating fiber-rich carbohydrates, social drinking, dining out, and working out less. However, have you ever wonder if it is really beneficial for one’s optimal gut health? Let’s figure out in this article.

What is the F-Factor Diet? 

The first ‘F’ in the term “F-Factor” stands for ‘fiber.’ This term was first coined by Tanya Zuckerbrot, a New York registered dietitian, in her book entitled ‘The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss.’

As the book title says, Zuckerbrot claimed that this diet is the secret for ‘permanent weight loss.’ Fortunately, it does. It’s a science-based eating plan. This reason made it way better than the many celebrity-endorsed diets, such as the Baby Food diet or the Cookie Diet, and other over-hyped fads that set many dieters and other fitness enthusiasts up for failure.

If you don’t know, fiber is a non-digestible aspect of a carbohydrate. Meaning, if you intake food that has more fiber, you’ll feel fuller after eating the protein-rich meal, making you consume less food throughout the day. What’s more, fiber is also zero-calorie. Hence, rest assured, you’ll be filled up without filling out.

Other reasons that made the F-Factor diet stands out among other diet plans will be elaborated in the following. The following would gradually let you realize how this diet positively impacts one’s optimal gut health.

You lose weight effectively

After the first month on an F-factor diet, you can expect that you’ll be losing 8-10 pounds without even getting hungry or having the feeling of being deprived. You’ll not think about what to cut out, but rather emphasize on what to add in your diet. The main focus of the F-Factor Diet is to make you feel satisfied and full up until your succeeding meals. The only thing you need to do is to adhere to a lean-protein, high-fiber diet.

You don’t need to go to the gym

Even without going to the gym, you can still lose weight as long as you’re on an F-Factor diet. Often, cardio exercise can increase one’s appetite, causing a person to eat more. You know that it’s easy to gain calories than to lose them in a run, right?

You’re allowed to eat carbohydrates

You read that right and clear. However, we’re talking about right carbs here, including whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. It’s as beneficial as taking any men or women multivitamins since complex carbohydrates offer several minerals and vitamins. As a result, your skin, hair, and entire you will be glowing even after shedding pounds.

You can dine out 

From day one of your F-Factor diet plan, you are not off-limits to any menus or restaurants. The registered dieticians of this diet will teach you or the clients how to handle temptations better and more appropriate. These dieticians would teach their clients how to order off any menu and pick suitable and healthy foods at any restaurant.

You can still have a happy hour at the bar

Cheers! You can still enjoy hitting the bar, while on a diet. You can enjoy any liquor with calorie-free mixers. Plus, these drinks would not interrupt your weigh-loss process. Again, this would be taught by the dietitians of this F-Factor diet plan.

You can enjoy longevity

The advantages of the F-Factor diet will not end at a healthy weight loss only. Let me list if for you. The F-factor diet can also do the following health benefits:

  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Reduce the risks of hypertension
  • Reduce cholesterol level
  • Reduce the chances of color and breast cancer
  • Improve sleeping habits
  • Provide sustain energy
  • Prevent diseases

What about in one’s gut health? Absolutely, yes!

F-Factor Diet and Gut Health

A study in 2017 concluded how fiber is intimately tied with the significance of our gut microbes. One proper fiber diet will feed and make bacteria thrive. As a result, bacteria will increase their population, as well as kind. Before anything else, let me remind you that there are good and bad bacteria in your gut. Hold on to that thought.

Now, the more microbes (microorganisms that can cause disease) you’ll have in your intestines, the thicker your mucus wall (a protective collection of mucus located in the cervical canal) will be. What does that mean?

Having a thicker mucus wall means a stronger barrier between our body and the working population of bacteria inside our body. When the mucus barrier lowers the inflammation in our entire body, the bacteria will at the same time aid in one’s digestion. This process now creates a dual benefit.

In addition to that, many studies recommended high fiber diets to treat a few gastrointestinal disorders. These studies show that high fiber diets can treat and prevent colon cancer, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, Crohn’s disease, Hiatal hernias (when a part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm, duodenal ulcers, cholelithiasis (gallstones formation), and Hiatal hernias.

One living, walking example is the Hadza tribe. This Tanzanian indigenous ethnic group is one of the remaining hunter-gatherer communities in the world. According to research, they intake 100 grams of fiber daily from various available sources that alter every season. Consequently, their gut biome is filled with a diverse, large population of bacteria.

One study also deduced that Ugandans, who tend to eat high-fiber vegetable diets, prevented diseases that are common in many Western nations. Another study showed that many rural Japanese people, who ate high-fiber meals, live longer compared to those who live in urban areas with lower fiber intakes.

Though a few studies are claiming that taking a high-fiber diet to promote gut health lacks adequate scientific validation, still there are many real-life examples that can explain the significant relationship of fiber, intestinal microbes, and digestive health.  To learn more about the right diet for your gut health, we suggest visiting Dr. Michael Ruscio’s blog.

Author Bio:-

A long-time entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and Columbia Business School Alum, Kenny has built his career around creating high-quality, reader-focused digital brands.
