How To Prevent Cross-Contamination In Medical Facilities

How To Prevent Cross-Contamination In Medical Facilities| HealthSoul

The spread of infectious microorganisms in hospital settings is a ubiquitous phenomenon that happens on a large scale. This is because medical facilities are supposed to offer care to everyone, thereby having an increase by some degree the probability of contraction of infections transmitted from patient to patient. Here is how to prevent this.

1. Hire Medical Cleaning Services

When you hire medical cleaning services, you are introducing some degree of order to the way the hospital facility is being kept. These are people who have knowledge of how to do it properly, so they provide a service that will help you prevent cross-contamination in your facility. For example, these companies can work with your staff to develop protocols for both germs and viruses prevention such as isolation protocols and even use products like hand gels and masks. If you are in need of an Australian cleaning service, just search for “medical cleaning services in Sydney” or just type in your area and  the results will be displayed. This is a good idea to do this either monthly or weekly. If you go for monthly, then you can schedule them on the same day of every month and your facility will be cleaner than ever. It can also be good to give them a call every time there is an increase in contagious diseases, and they can adjust their protocols accordingly.

2. Use Isolation Protocols Properly

The isolation protocol is especially used for patients that are admitted to the hospital with contagious diseases. The idea behind it is that if one patient has a certain infectious disease, then he or she will be isolated from other patients. This means that you do not go out of the facility until they are cured, and no other person can contract their infection. This measure makes sure this does not happen because there are protocols in place to prevent cross-contamination between different patients in the same location, so you won’t have any problems with infectious germs being transmitted across multiple people at once. Before using them, make sure you explain to your staff what they are about, so everyone knows how they work. This way, the chances of contracting an infection will be significantly lower.

3.  Use Proper Equipment

If you work in a medical facility, then the equipment that is there has to be clean and sterile, meaning that they cannot be used if there is any sign of debris or germs on them. This means that you need to make sure everyone knows how important it is to clean and handle them properly, as this will prevent the spread of germs. Also, these items have expiration dates just like food, so make sure each item has a check-up date recorded on them and replaced once expired. If you do not do this then the chance of contamination increases rapidly and people might contract diseases from using old equipment. This will also help you to prevent the spread of contamination and increase the chances of preventing cross-contamination in your medical facility.

4. Collaborate with the Cleaning Staff

If you work in a hospital setting, then it is also worth talking to your cleaning staff, so they can get more information on how they can help prevent cross-contamination from occurring. Collaborating with these people is an excellent idea because they have the inside scoop on how everything works, so it is a good idea to ask them for advice and feedback about things that need to be improved in your system. For example, if you don’t have a specific protocol regarding hand sanitizer use or there aren’t enough of them around the facility, this would be something to address immediately. On the other hand, it can also mean working together, so everyone knows what needs to be done and shares an understanding of what they expect from each other. This way, both parties will work towards preventing cross-contamination between different patients.

5. Wear Personal Protective Equipment Properly

Personal protective equipment differ from one another depending on the job they are supposed to do, but they all serve one purpose: protect your health. For example, the doctors and nurses have to use masks, so they don’t breathe in any bacteria or viruses that are being transmitted between patients. This is why it is important for everyone to wear them properly, because if you do not, then there is a chance of becoming sick with an infectious disease. During their usage, make sure to give people instructions on how they should use them so that they will be beneficial to your facility. It is also good to tell your staff that if they need help with using equipment, then they should ask for it. This way, the chances of contracting an infection will be significantly lower.


Cross-contamination is the passing of bacteria, viruses or other germs from one person to another. This can happen when medical staff fail to maintain the highest levels of cleanliness and hygiene. It can be prevented by following certain protocols to keep you and your loved ones safe while providing care. So, if you want to prevent cross-contamination in your medical facility, then keep these 5 tips in mind.
