How to Achieve Total Wellness on Your Schedule

How to Achieve Total Wellness on Your Schedule | HealthSoul

It can be hard to think about taking care of yourself when there are so many things that require your time and attention. In fact, a recent survey by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that full-time American employees spent an average of eight and a half hours per day at work. That really doesn’t seem to leave much time for focusing on yourself, but there are a few easy ways that you can slip a little self-care into your daily life.

Mental Wellness

If we’re going to discuss overall health, then it’s important to start at the very top. Your mind is your control center, and if it’s not being taken care of, things can easily awry. Fortunately, this article by Mental Health America lists some easy ways you can boost your mental health even on a busy schedule. For example, you can enjoy a creative outlet such as writing or painting, or set aside some time for enjoying the company of your loved ones or friends. Starting your day with a cup of coffee and popping little pieces of dark chocolate are also great ways to perk up your brain with caffeine and juicy flavonoids.

Your brain will also thank you for getting in touch with nature. It has been shown that coming into contact with anything natural gave people an overall feeling of well-being. This didn’t require long hours in a forest or a park, so if walking isn’t an option for you, consider getting houseplants or a small plant for your workspace. The more things you can incorporate into your life, the more likely you are to reap the benefits like decreased bouts of anxiety and depression.

Physical Wellness

Taking care of your body doesn’t have to be as hard as you think it is. You can improve your physical wellness by making changes to your daily activities. Getting enough sleep is one thing you can’t ignore, so you can decide if you’d be better able to go to bed earlier or wake up later. In either case, you will likely have to arrange your schedule in a way that can accommodate the change. You should also make time for relaxation and exercise. Neither of those things need to take up too much of your time if you plan it right. Exercise, in particular, can be a tricky one, but finding a few quick exercises can help you meet your goals.

As you might expect, it’s not possible to address physical wellness without getting into what you put into your body. To that end, you have to make sure to drink enough water and eat healthy meals. Diet changes can be difficult, so take tiny steps toward your goal until you’ve gotten to where you need to be. Taking control of what you eat is easier when you make your own meals. This doesn’t need to be a daunting activity when you have access to quick and healthy recipes.

Emotional Wellness

Your emotional health and mental health are generally closely related, but they are not the same. Emotional wellness focuses more on your feelings toward yourself and those around you, as well as how you may have internalized issues pertaining to your self-esteem. According to Game Plan A, you can take care of your emotional wellness by learning how to identify and deal with your emotions before they affect you negatively. You can also build your self-esteem by developing your professional or personal abilities and reminding yourself of your inherent value and strengths. Maintaining a support structure comprised of close friends and loved ones will also help you get through difficult times and reduce your stress. Having a shoulder to lean on can help you let go of the pressure of having to deal with everything yourself.

Spiritual Wellness

This may seem like something only religious individuals would consider, but it’s not that strictly defined. Spiritual wellness enables you to focus on internal improvements as well as establishing purpose. Whatever that may mean for you, exercises such as meditation and guided introspection have often proven to be helpful in helping people discover the areas they need to explore. Once you have found what works for you, you are likely to experience greater clarity when it comes to yourself and those around you. Spiritual wellness usually goes hand in hand with the previous aspects of wellness that we have addressed, so you may find that it’s easy to incorporate your spiritual health activities into your diet and exercise programs.

Special Considerations

It must be noted that you should take care to ensure that the suggested changes are tailored to your specific needs. If you are unable to make certain diet changes because of allergies or some exercises will be difficult because of illness, then you should definitely consult a professional about your options. Senior citizens, in particular, may not be able to do the more strenuous exercises though their doctors often recommend exercise to seniors living with depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. In that case, seniors should explore the SilverSneakers program that caters specifically to seniors through their over 14,000 fitness centers across the country. Their exercise options include low-intensity movement classes, yoga, cardio classes and stability classes that help seniors work on their balance. The SilverSneakers program is free with certain health insurance plans, such as the Medicare Advantage (Part C) and Medicare supplement (Medigap) plans, so it’s recommended that seniors look into these options if they think the program would be beneficial.

Total wellness isn’t something that you can achieve overnight, and while it may be tempting to set lofty goals to start out with a bang, it’s not ideal. You’re more likely to stick to the changes you’ve made if you set small, achievable tasks that tweak your daily habits a little bit at a time. So, take the wellness tips from this article and make them your own!


Brad is a self-care advocate and created to share his knowledge with others.

Photo Credit: Pixabay
