Five Top Tips To Avoid Binge Eating Over Christmas

Five Top Tips To Avoid Binge Eating Over Christmas | HealthSoul

Christmas is always the time of year when we feel as stuffed as a turkey, spending those afternoons napping on the sofa after indulging a little too much. But for many people it can be a serious problem.

Just as alcoholics find it the most difficult during the festive period, so do people with eating disorders. UKAT London Clinic, a mental health clinic in London suggests it can be really painful, particularly for people who haven’t gone through binge eating disorder treatment, while many who have need to find their coping mechanisms to get through it.

But how exactly do you get through it and avoid binge eating during a time when food is often plentiful?

Here are five top tips to help you manage just that…

Plan out your eating

One of the best ways to stay on track and avoid over-eating or binge eating is to plan everything out in advance. It’s a coping mechanism for those that do suffer with a disorder throughout the year, and it’s no more effective than at Christmas time.

Schedule regular balanced meals across the day. This’ll help with maintaining your blood sugar levels and reducing the temptation of binging or snacking when you shouldn’t be.

Be mindful with your eating

Mindful eating is an important technique for many with eating disorders. It involved paying much closer attention to what you are eating and how it makes you feel. It’s a great tactic in preventing overindulgence, and what’s more you’ll get more enjoyment out of your food.

It provides you with the opportunity to savour each bite, taking breaks to engage in conversation and improve your overall dining experience.

Alongside this, you can also be mindful with how full you are. As you progress through your meal, try and stay mindful of your body’s hunger. This will enable you to be aware of whether you need seconds or not. The answer is probably no.

Control your portion sizes

Alongside planning your meals, you should also consider your portion sizes. Especially during the Christmas period, it’s so easy to pile your plate sky high. However, this can be problematic for those that are wanting to avoid binge eating.

Consider smaller plates, or be disciplined in the amount you serve up for yourself. If you are eating mindfully and you’re still hungry, there’s always the opportunity to go back for seconds.

Keep hydrated

You may not be aware that often our body may confuse that we are actually thirsty with hunger, so by staying hydrated you’ll be able to detect the signs of hunger much more easily.

Staying hydrated across the day will help you maintain satisfaction, reduce the chances of you overindulging and overall leave you feeling happier and healthier.

Be realistic with yourself

It is important to be disciplined with your eating, especially if you do have an eating disorder, but also it is the holidays and it is the time of year where a small bit of indulgence is a normal part of the season.

Naturally, if that could be problematic for you, then it’s not a good idea to be so lenient, but if you’re simply wanting to watch your wait or avoiding going over the top on the Christmas dinner, then do allow yourself some leeway to have a fun-filled Christmas, just a little more responsibly.
