Do online reviews really make a difference?

Do online reviews really make a difference? | HealthSoul

Let’s skip right to the punch line here, with an emphatic Yes.

A very large percentage of consumers turn to online reviews when the time comes to make an important decision. Whether it is the Amazon reviews section, a tried-and-tested blog post, or a dedicated review website, consumers are now looking towards the advice and guidance of other consumers online to help them with their decisions.

Why online reviews are presumed to be highly credible?

Online reviews hold high credibility and this is most likely true because of their anonymous nature. Usually, the user’s opinion is isolated from their being, until and unless the user is a high-profile blogger. Also, reviews in numbers are powerful in their own right. This is why so many online retailers offer reviews in a condensed format, often by ‘starring’ products and services or giving them a thumbs up / thumbs down rating. Actual profile pictures, use of grammar, knowledge of the business are few factors to judge how credible they are. This is one of the reasons that make the review so powerful because all you have is their word.

How important they are for your business?

For some businesses, online interaction is the last in a long list of pressing items. For others, reviews are like heading to the boss with a weeklong leave application: you’re filled with dread when you think of them. Whatever the reason, what you don’t know will eventually come to kill you, so start with a quick, do-it-yourself analysis.

Bright Local Consumer Review Survey highlights how consumers read and use online reviews. It identifies the growing quantity of online reviews and review sites covering more industries and services, that provides huge benefits to both consumers and the businesses that fully embrace reputation marketing.

Some essential Key ‘Takeaways’ From Online Review Survey Research suggest that –

  • 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation
  • 7 out of 10 consumers will leave a review for a business if they’re asked to
  • 90% of consumers read less than 10 reviews before forming an opinion about a business
  • 54% of people will visit the website after reading positive reviews
  • 73% of consumers think that reviews older than 3 months are no longer relevant
  • 74% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more
  • 58% of consumers say that the star rating of a business is most important

So how can you evaluate what’s being said about you? 

Online reviews can be majorly categorized into three types:

Positive Sentiment: Standout positive reviews for consumers in research mode symbolizes a green signal that says, “This is the right choice”! Such reviews clearly indicate your business is getting right on the mark.

Neutral Sentiment: Lukewarm reviews are gentle indicators that something – your strategy, customer service, quality assurance, even your product is going good but doesn’t suggest to be extraordinarily understanding. It’s imperative to pay attention to these online reviews – and course-correct before it’s too late.

Negative Sentiment: Large volume of negative reviews? When many consumers think something is wrong with your business, and if you’re not responding, respectfully and effectively, online and offline, then these “Negative Reviews” will soon turn into your company’s losses and a failing brand position.

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HealthSoul uses automated software to recommend the most helpful and reliable reviews for Hospitals, Health Insurances and Travel Health Insurances for the HealthSoul Community. The software looks at dozens of different signals, including various measures of quality, service, reliability, and activities across various segments.
