Consequences of Uncontrolled Diabetes

Consequences of Uncontrolled Diabetes | HealthSoul

Though diabetes isn’t once the death sentence it used to be (thanks to modern medicine), it still needs to be properly managed to prevent adverse health complications. Unfortunately, many aren’t aware that they have it and many who have been diagnosed don’t take the necessary steps to keep it under control. On the surface, it may appear that things are fine, but in reality, there could be grave consequences to follow.

Vision Problems

When your diabetes isn’t kept under control, it can have a negative impact on your vision. In fact, uncontrolled diabetes is one of the number one causes of vision problems. When blood sugar levels remain high, it can result in damage to nerves in the eyes, glaucoma, cataracts, and even blindness. If you’ve experienced blurred vision or sudden vision loss, it is imperative that you schedule a visit with an ophthalmologist for treatment options.

Nerve Damage

The nerves in your eyes aren’t the only nerves at risk of damage with uncontrolled diabetes. Diabetic neuropathy is a common condition that results from sugar levels remaining too high on a consistent basis. Some patients might experience pain or tingling in their feet or toes while others experience numbness or loss of feeling. While it often occurs in the feet, diabetic neuropathy can happen in other parts of the body such as the hands or legs. Another nerve condition, known as autonomic neuropathy, causes nerve damage in vital organs. This can include having digestive issues or sexual problems.

Oral Health Problems

Yes, believe it or not, uncontrolled diabetes can also have a negative impact on your teeth. In fact, diabetics are at a higher risk of developing gum disease. Individuals might experience tenderness, bleeding, or swollen gums and in extreme cases, tooth loss.

Heart Disease

Did you know that heart disease was one of the leading causes of death among diabetic patients? As stated previously, prolonged periods of high blood sugar can damage the nerves. If it begins to impact the nerves that control blood vessels and the heart, it can lead to heart disease, a heart attack, a stroke, and consequently, death.

Kidney Failure

There are tiny blood vessels located in the filtering area of kidneys. When blood glucose levels aren’t properly managed, it can cause these blood vessels to clog or narrow preventing your kidneys from functioning properly. Over time, it may be necessary for a diabetic patient with kidney problems to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant in order to live.

Skin Problems

Failure to manage your diabetes can also have an impact on your skin. It increases your chances of developing a fungal or bacterial skin infection. Patients with uncontrolled diabetes might experience skin problems including, increased irritation, redness, rashes, boils, blisters, inflamed hair follicles, and styes on the eyelid.

Avoiding Adverse Consequences

As you can see, diabetes can have a negative impact on everything from your skin to your internal organs. The good news, however, is that many of these things can be avoided. For starters, if you’re unsure if you have diabetes, getting tested at your doctor’s office is highly recommended.

After talking with your doctor, make sure that you are taking the necessary steps to keep your blood sugar levels and health in order. This includes taking all prescribed medications (pills and insulin may be prescribed depending on the severity of your condition), regularly testing your blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy diet, eliminating sugar and refined carbs, exercising regularly, and keeping a good sleep schedule.

Don’t make things more complicated for yourself by ignoring the problem or mismanaging your condition. There are millions of people across the country that have been diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes who have managed to live long, happy, and otherwise healthy lives. All it takes is a strong relationship with your doctors and healthy lifestyle changes to get and stay on the right track.

​Higher Insurance Premiums
Many people with Diabetes may not be aware of this, but if your Diabetes condition is not being properly controlled you may find various insurance products more expensive.  Says Melissa Thompson of Diabetes 365 ” Insurance companies will view a person with uncontrolled Diabetes as significantly higher risk.  In some situations, a person could be declined all together if the insurance provider feels a person is not compliant with their Diabetes treatment.”  Health and Life insurance for diabetics can still be obtained but the degree of control you have over your condition will determine the price you pay for coverage.
