
Chalazion | HealthSoul

A chalazion is a small bump that appears on the eyelid. Chalazia are usually painless and not serious. A blocked oil gland causes them, and they may disappear on their own after a while without treatment. They may develop after an eye infection or a stye. Some can grow large and cause vision problems. They can be treated or removed by a doctor if they become bothersome.

 Risk Factors for Chalazion

Anyone can get a chalazion, but certain health conditions and diseases can increase the risk. Some people experience chronic chalazion issues, and others may only experience once in their lifetime. Some common risk factors of the condition include:

  • Seborrhea
  • Acne
  • Rosacea
  • Chronic blepharitis
  • Long-term inflammation of the eyelid
  • Viral conjunctivitis

Causes of Chalazion

There are many things that can cause chalazia to appear on the eyelid. In some cases, they are directly related to viruses, infections, and other conditions. Stress may trigger them in some people too.  The cause of the bump or blister is usually a clogged oil duct. Numerous things may cause the duct to become clogged, and most people don’t realize there is a problem until the bump appears.

Symptoms of Chalazion

A chalazion is a symptom itself, but it can also be a problem on its own. They can start out small and then get larger in a short period of time. Some common symptoms of a chalazion include:

  • Swelling in the eyes
  • Pain in the eyes
  • Bump on the eyelid
  • Vision problems
  • Infection
  • Dry eyes
  • Watery eye


Diagnosis of Chalazion

Doctors can diagnose a chalazion with a physical exam. They may need to rule out other illnesses and confirm that the cause of the symptoms is a chalazion. Most of the time, a biopsy or an invasive procedure is not needed to confirm a diagnosis. If the patient had more than one health issues going on with their eyes, more tests might be needed.

Treatment of Chalazion

A chalazion may go away on its own if it is not serious. Some people do not have the patience to wait for them to go away or are having a hard time seeing because of them. Surgery is another option that can remove the chalazion quickly.   Some common treatment options include:

  • Corticosteroid injection
  • Heat compresses
  • Eye drops
  • Eyelid creams
  • Cleaning the area
  • Removing contacts


Prognosis for Chalazion

A chalazion usually clears up on its own. If treatment is necessary, it is almost always effective. Some people who have health conditions that make them more at risk for a chalazion may have recurring eye issues and chalazion problems. Doctors can help treat these issues and offer advice to patients that can help prevent them from getting a chalazion in the future.

Complications of Chalazion 

In most cases, a chalazion is not a serious problem. They may be sore and a cosmetic concern, but they pose no real health threat. There may be complications if the chalazion is large and causes vision problems. Some of the treatments can also cause complications. Some of those complications include:

  • Scarring
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Vision problems
  • Blindness
  • Bleeding
  • Bruising
