Can people with diabetes use compression socks

Can people with diabetes use compression socks| HealthSoul

Unlike diabetic socks that are loose-fitting, non-restrictive, and seamless, compression socks are snug-fitting and stretchy and are designed to lessen fluid build-up and help those with circulation problems.

Consider your condition when trying to find a good pair of socks. Choose the socks that will help your requirement and make it worse. Discuss with your doctor or a health professional about proper foot care and what products are best for you.

The compression promotes better health by aiding your body and by helping your blood circulate better. The reduction applies pressure to parts of your body that will help the blood move back up to your heart.

When can a person with diabetes use compression socks?

There are now compression socks that are specially made for people who are diagnosed with diabetes, but you can’t just wear compression socks if you have diabetes. Your doctor should recommend this, and you should ask if this is what works best for your condition.

Compression socks can help control swelling and other foot issues caused by type 2 diabetes, but you should find the perfect compression socks that will work best for you.

  • Poor blood circulation- when your nerves and blood vessels are damaged, you will lose the feeling in your feet. This means you cannot feel the changes in temperature your feet are going through, and you won’t feel cuts or blisters either. Many diabetic compression socks are made with non-irritating seams that will help with blisters, and they help circulation in your feet which will help any cuts or sores heal faster.
  • Poor blood flow – people diagnosed with diabetes can experience peripheral vascular disease, venous insufficiency, and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) due to poor blood circulation. If you have any cuts or sores, it will take more time to heal. With the help of compression socks, it will help open the valves in your legs to regulate proper blood flow, and they also help prevent you from developing DVT, which is the result of dehydration. It will thicken your blood and make blood circulation harder.

Benefits of wearing a diabetic compression sock:

Diabetic compression socks help with proper blood circulation, but there are also other benefits that it gives when you wear them:

  • It protects feet from friction which prevents ulcers and the development of blisters.
  • It provides gentle and mild compression and doesn’t constrict your feet.
  • It’s not heavy, breathable, and designed to keep you comfortable and protected.

Compression socks keep your feet protected and clean. It also helps when you are experiencing swelling in your feet and legs due to poor blood circulation. It is best to discuss what socks would help you best with your doctor. Compression socks can’t always be used for everyone diagnosed with diabetes. Some people with diabetes experience cracked and dry skin that needs a hose with softer material. Some people may not need compression in their feet but only need protection from dirt and bacteria, so it is best to discuss with your doctor first what your condition is so they can recommend what will work best for you.
