Building a Robust Occupational Health & Safety Policy for Your Business

Building a Robust Occupational Health & Safety Policy for Your Business | HealthSoul

Workplace accidents and injuries are common in different sectors and industries. Studies reveal that thousands of workers per year are left disabled permanently due to workplace injuries. Some even losing their lives. Hence, organizations of all scales in all sectors are keen to maintain an occupational health and safety policy in efforts to reduce workplace injuries. From improving business efficiency to boosting social and corporate responsibility, the benefits of the OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) management system are apparent and necessary.

Better Health and Safety

There is no doubt that incorporating a systematic occupational health and safety management system helps organizations function safely and efficiently. With a systematic approach, OHS management tactics are highly effective, mainly because company employees will have a better understanding of handling incidents and responding to issues. When employees understand the protocols, everyone executes the same approach.

Curtailing Expenses

When an organization lacks an occupational health and safety policy, it quickly becomes expensive to mitigate problems and find solutions. Without a proper system, monitoring accidents can be challenging. Every time there is an accident, the organization faces costly consequences like:

  • Higher insurance premiums because of worker compensation claims
  • Higher cost of recruiting temporary staff to fill in for injured workers
  • Litigation expenses in case there is a court case

The workforce is the biggest asset for an organization. Every time an accident injures an employee, not only is that person negatively effected, but the morale of the entire team can take a hit. This results in less engagement and productivity in the long run. A proper OHS management policy helps eliminate accidents and reduces the costs of handling such cases.

Higher Business Efficiency

Considering occupational health and safety management policy is the best method to enhance business efficiency. A proper OHS management system helps to reduce the overall expense.

  • Reduces the number of sick leaves
  • Eliminates the need to hire temporary staff
  • Lowers insurance premiums
  • Improves the employee/worker retention rates
  • Reduces training expenses
  • Enhances productivity by improving staff morale

Enhanced business efficiency is a prime reason for including an occupational health and safety management system in an organization. It renders added advantage over organizations that don’t implement OSH management policies.

Enhanced Reputation and PR

In contemporary organizations, workplace injuries and fatal accidents become public issues and harm the reputation and brand of the company. When it concerns creating a brand appeal and acquiring new customers/consumers, bad PR, and reputation go against the company. Consumers don’t trust organizations that fail to consider worker’s health and safety. Incorporating an occupational health and safety policy is a sensible approach to valuing the right to a healthy and safe working ambiance. Over time, it boosts public image and reputation, making hiring and retention more efficient.

Easier Access to Capital Funding

Given the challenging business landscape, it is not easy to gain funding from investors, banks, and financial institutions. Having an OHS management policy is vital to gaining the attention of potential investors and seeking finance. The Occupational Health, and Safety Management policy gives the impression of a well-organized and managed company. Studies reveal that banks and financial institutions have more interest in financing organizations that abide by the OHS management system. with fewer injuries and accidents, the clear OHS guidelines help organizations respond to events promptly.

Safer Work Environment

A well-organized OHS management policy ensures workers/employees are protected from a range of health problems and threats, including:

  • Skin diseases
  • Falling from heights
  • Injuries
  • Strain injuries from repetitive work
  • Continuous noise and vibration effects
  • Asbestos-linked diseases

When employees/workers feel safe at the workplace, they have high morale and confidently perform their tasks. It also results in better business efficiency, productivity, and retention rates.


Focusing on employee/worker health and safety has positive influences on organizations. Incorporating occupational health and safety policy impacts everything from expenses to business profits and reputation. Having a robust OHS management policy is pivotal in creating a brand appeal and enhances the social and corporate responsibility of organizations. From the analysis, it is clear that adopting OHS management policies, organizations benefit from every perspective.
