Health Benefits of Lovage

Health Benefits of Lovage | HealthSoul

Lovage is not a very common species of the wild plant. The botanical name of this plant is Levisticum officinale Koch. and belongs to the Apiaceae family. In the 9th century, evidence obtained that Lovage was one of the culinary and medical plants of the Capitulary de Villis. From centuries, Lovage gets a significant place in folk medicinal practice. It was well known carminative and stomachic.

During the period of the Middle Ages, the usage of Lovage in therapeutic purposes was evidential. This herbal plant was recommended to treat irregular menstrual cycle by stimulating the menstrual flow due to its emmenagogue property, flatulence issue due to its carminative property, and to treat various skin diseases. In the 11th century, the Schola Medica Salernitana had mentioned that the Lovage has skin lightening property and used as cosmetic preparation. Some country-specific application of this herb are as follows:

  • Lovage is an approved medical treatment for kidney stones and inflammatory conditions in Germany.
  • Lovage is used as carminative, digestive and as confectionary item in France.
  • Apart from Germany and France, Lovage is used in the UK, Poland, Spain for herbal medicinal purposes.

Apart from these folk medicinal applications, ethnobotanical research conducted in Lovage have proved the health benefits of this herb.

Mechanism of action of Phytochemicals present in Lovage

  • All plant parts of Lovage is used for medicinal purposes due to the presence of a variety of bioactive phytochemicals exerts some important mechanism of actions. Some important phytochemicals of Lovage are flavonoids, phenolic acids, furano- and pyranocoumarins, saponins, essential oils, alkaloids, and polyacetylenes. Polyacetylenes is consist of 3(R)-falcarinol and 3(R)-8(S)-falcarindiol and plays an important role in many bioactivities. Many trial results confirmed the spasmolytic and diuretic effects of Lovage.
  • Some bioactive phytochemicals like falcarindiol, levistolide A, linoleic and oleic acids present in Lovage extract has antimicrobial property. This herbal ingredient can inhibit the germination of spores and active against both bacterial and fungal growth.
  • The essential oil content like ligustilide present in Lovage has spasmolytic effect. Lovage inhibits the vasoconstriction by inhibiting the intracellular release of calcium ion.
  • The phytochemical, n-butylidenphtalide present in Lovage has anti-proliferative property. This phytochemical arrests the cell cycle in Go/G1 phase and controls unwanted cell proliferation.
  • The anti-inflammatory property of Lovage occurs by inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase formation. Falcarindol is an active ingredient present n Lovage has this inhibitory effect. The anti-inflammatory property of Lovage confirmed by in-vitro research study also. Also, Lovage also effective to inhibit cyclooxygenase 2 (COX 2).
  • TNF-α mediated NFκB activation is the basic pathophysiology responsible for tumor formation. The bioactive phytochemicals present in Lovage can prevent the activation of TNF-α mediated NFκB.
  • Lovage has a psychological calming effect as it induces inhibitory effects on the binding of diazepam to the GABAa receptors.

Phytochemical Present in Lovage | HealthSoul

Different dosage forms of Lovage

Lovage has the following herbal supplement dosage forms.

  • Lovage powder: The daily recommended dose of Lovage preparation varies from 4 to 8gm.
  • Lovage tincture: The daily recommended a dose of Lovage preparation varies from 0.5ml- 2 milliliters thrice a day.
  • Lovage herbal tea: The herbal tea is formed with 2gm to 3 grams of lovage root. The required amount of lovage tea is added in a cup of hot water and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. The daily recommended dose of Lovage tea is thrice a day.

The essential oil is extracted from Lovage plant parts has a sweet, spicy aroma. This oil is collected through steam distillation. This oil is added in the cosmetic preparations like perfumes, soaps, etc. This oil is also used in massage therapy. Experts recommended Lovage essential oil should add with other carrier oil to avoid a direct application-related skin reaction.

Different Forms of Lovage | HealthSoul

Uses of Lovage

Kidney stone prevention

Lovage has potent antioxidant property and has an inhibitory effect against crystallization. Thus, administration of Lovage containing product is effective to prevent kidney stone formation and associated renal cell damage. A human trial conducted on 250 study participants confirmed that treatment with Lovage formulation reduces urine creatinine level, urine cystine. Thus it confirms Lovage treatment has a preventive effect against kidney stone formation.


The anti-inflammatory property of Lovage helps to provide a soothing effect. This benefit is effective to subside the allergic irritation and also reduce the allergic reaction associated swelling. Phytochemical quercetin is sufficiently present in Lovage which acts as a natural histamine inhibitor. Lovage is an effective treatment of allergic rhinitis and provides symptomatic relief from a runny nose, itchy eyes, etc.

Good For The Skin

External application of Lovage gives a soothing effect. Topical application of the Lovage leaves directly on the skin helps to treat acne, pimples and smoothen then symptoms of psoriasis. Application of Lovage improves skin quality. The potent antioxidant helps to reduce skin wrinkle and skin aging symptoms. This herbal remedy improves skin tone and appearance by increasing blood circulation in the skin surface.

Respiratory Disorders

Lovage has an excellent expectorant quality which helps excrete out excess phlegm and accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract. Thus it clears out respiratory congestion and boosts breathing capacity. eucalyptol is a phytochemical present in Lovage helps to reduce respiratory tract irritation and reduces bronchial inflammation and bronchitis. Altogether these positive benefits have respiratory healing property.

Infection Control

Broad antifungal and antibacterial property of Lovage helps to prevent and treat many infections. Research findings supported that this herbal product has an antibacterial effect against many infections causing strains like S. typhimurium, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, etc. and prevent dangerous infections.

Digestive Processes

Lovage has carminative property and reduces bloating symptoms by excreting excess gas. It smoothen the stomach and neutralizes the gastro-intestinal pH. It helps to reduce bowel irritation, normalizes peristaltic movement.

Menstrual Disorder Relief

Irregular menstrual flow can be solved with this herbal remedy. Menstrual cycle associated bloating and cramps also minimized with Lovage treatment. The nutritional components of Lovage help to maintain the energy level during the period of menstruation.

Anxiety Relief

Lovage has acted on the GABA receptor and exerts a psychologically calming effect. Thus it acts as an anxiolytic and relief psychological stress.

Treat Joint Disorder

The potent anti-inflammatory property of Lovage helps to treat arthritis, gout and other joint inflammatory conditions. It not only reduce the joint inflammation but also reduce pain symptoms.

Uses of Lovage | HealthSoul

Side Effects and Precautions

The conducted clinical trial did not report any Lovage treatment-related complication. But the trial was conducted on a small scale, therefore the detail safety profile is unknown. Some individual reported Lovage consumption increases the incidence of photosensitivity. Experts recommended a moderate dose of Lovage administration to avoid unwanted side effects associated with a higher dose of medications.

Experts do not recommend to use Lovage preparation for children or adolescent due to the lack of human study details and safety profile analysis. Experts also suggested not use this herbal preparation for pregnant and lactating women to avoid unnecessary complications.

There are no details found about drug-herb interactions. But the presence of coumarin in Lovage imparts an anti-coagulant property. Therefore, it can increase the risk of bleeding. Herbalist suggested not to intake Lovage preparation with anticoagulant medication like warfarin or after any surgical intervention.

Side Effect & Precautionary Measures of Lovage | HealthSoul


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