Dizziness is a term used to described feelings of weakness, faintness, or unsteadiness. It can make a person feel as if they are spinning or moving or if the objects around them are spinning or moving. It can come on gradually or suddenly and is a common problem experienced by adults. It can affect people of all ages, and some people experience dizzy spells on a regular basis. It can be a sign of a serious problem or may be caused by something simple.
Many different things can cause dizziness. In some cases, it can be caused by something as simple as standing up too quickly. In others, it can be a sign of infection or something even more serious. It is important to find the cause of the symptoms, so proper treatment can be determined. Some common causes of dizziness include:
People who experience dizziness can have a variety of symptoms. They can vary by individual and can be mild or severe. In most cases, the symptoms do not last for a long time. They may start out mild, worsen to severe, and then mild symptoms may linger on for a few hours or even days after the severe symptoms pass. The cause of the dizziness can also determine the symptoms. Some of these most common symptoms include:
Diagnosing the cause of dizziness can be difficult. In most cases, it requires a lot of tests, so doctors can rule out certain illnesses and diseases to find the right one. A description of the symptoms can help doctors get an idea of what causes may be to blame. Some of the common diagnostic tests used may include:
The treatment for dizziness depends on the cause and the symptoms. Some patients may only need to be treated for a short period of time, while others may need to continue treatment throughout their lives. Some people are able to tell when a dizzy spell is coming on and can take medication before it hits. Some of the common treatments for dizziness include:
The prognosis for dizziness is good. It is not dangerous, and once serious diseases or conditioned are ruled out and an effective treatment method is found, people who experience dizziness can manage their symptoms and live a normal life. Some people may deal with dizziness chronically, and others may never experience it again.