So, you suspect you might have hearing issues? It can be a little scary. You may not even know what step to take next. Remember that time you attended a concert and had this buzzing sound in your years? This…
Did you know that over 20% of the world population suffers from tinnitus? This is a common problem that many people ignore and overlook. Medical researchers estimate that this bothersome buzzing affects about 50 million people in the U.S. alone.…
Have you noticed certain noises in your ears recently that simply shouldn’t be there? I mean, noises that nobody around you is producing, but that somehow come from the inside? Does that annoy you, or scare you? Well, I get…
Generally speaking, people are clueless about the difference between an urgent care facility and an emergency room. If you have a sore throat, ear infection, or a minor cut that requires stitches, do you go to an urgent care center,…
Ears are delicate organs and they need to be taken care of. A strain on your hearing can be a constant source of inconvenience. Poor hearing can deter simple everyday tasks such as enjoying a conversation or listening to music.…
There has been a great deal of research towards treatment for hearing loss. As a result, there are now more options than ever before. Although this is certainly an advantage, this can also make it more difficult to know about…
We all have five senses, and we do best when all of them work perfectly. However, as you age, it’s more than likely they won’t all be as sharp as they once were. Maybe you cannot see as well as…
Anosmia refers to the complete inability to perceive smells. This may be noted markedly as a decreased ability to perceive flavour in food because the sense of smell is closely tied to the perception of taste as well. In a…
A myringotomy is a procedure where a doctor makes a small hole in a patient’s eardrum to allow fluid, pus, or blood to drain through. During the procedure, a doctor may also insert tubes into the patient’s ear. The tube holds…
The Epley procedure is a type of movement or exercise that alleviates the symptoms of vertigo, particularly dizziness. It involves moving the head and neck around so that the inner ear can be reset. It can be used with Vertigo…