7 Methods To Lose Weight Following Intermittent Fasting

7 Methods To Lose Weight Following Intermittent Fasting| HealthSoul

When it comes to overall fitness, most people are concerned about their weight. As per WHO, around 167 million people will become less healthy by 2025 just because they are overweight or obese. The numbers are pretty voluminous. However, people are concerned and are taking action to make themselves fit.

Some focus on heavy exercises, but most people are inclined toward intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is an excellent way to keep your body weight low. However, it demands commitment and discipline. Most people fail to garner its benefits just because they are not disciplined. But, if you are willing to commit to the intermittent fasting regime, you can reap stunning health benefits.

In this article, we will help you understand some of the best intermittent fasting methods. If you want to know about intermittent fasting in detail, you can check out DoFasting’s article explaining intermittent fasting.

Fast for 16 Hours a Day

The most common intermittent fasting regime is the 16:8 method. Under this method, you need to fast for 16 hours and eat only during the remaining 8 hours.

This fasting can be done daily. You can begin your early day with a cup of black coffee or tea without sugar. You can have your first meal at 12 pm and last meal by 8 pm. This way, you will be completing your 16-hour fasting duration.

You can also have an early dinner around 6 pm and then break your fast at 10 am the next day. It totally relies on you when you want to break your fast. Just make sure that you are not overeating during your feeding window.

In the fasting window, you need to keep yourself just on water. Moreover, focus on eating just a low-carb diet in the eating window for better results.

The 5:2 Regime

The 5:2 regime is one of the most popular intermittent fasting methods. Under this method, you need to normally eat for five days and consume only 500-600 calories on two days.

This way, you will surely reduce your calorie intake significantly. The best part about this method is that you can have whatever you want on eating day. On top of that, you have the liberty to keep the 2 fasting days anytime during the week.

The 5:2 fasting regime is said to reduce insulin levels to a great extent. This directly reduces the risk of type-2 diabetes.

Fast on Alternate Days

Another intermittent fasting method is fasting on alternate days. You can have a normal diet one day and fast the next day. This way, you can reduce your calorie count significantly.

You can also follow a pattern like eating for two days and then fasting for one day. But, make sure that your calorie consumption is less on the days you are eating.

Ideally, you need to consume 500 calories or less on fasting days. This will help your body to get the nutrients it needs without affecting your weight-loss journey. Just make sure that whatever you are eating is healthy and nutritious.

Random Meal Skipping

This is one of the most popular intermittent fasting methods; why? People can easily employ this method at their convenience. Under this method, you need to skip meals randomly and eat only when you are hungry.

You can either skip breakfast or lunch, or dinner. Just make sure that you are not skipping all the meals and overeating in the remaining meal. People following this plan tend to skip a meal when they are not hungry.

The Warrior Diet

The warrior diet is one of the most effective intermittent fasting methods. Under this method, you need to fast for 20 hours and eat within four. 

You can have a light breakfast like fruits or salads in the morning. For lunch, you can have something small like soup or nuts. And, for dinner, you can have a full-fledged meal. You can also go for leafy greens, zero-calorie green tea, or poached eggs in the fasting window. This way, you will be able to bring down your weight significantly.

Moreover, you need to make sure that whatever you are eating is healthy and nutritious. Avoid processed, fast, and junk food as much as possible. Focus on eating home-cooked meals for maximum benefits of intermittent fasting.

One Meal A Day

One meal a day is one of the most effective intermittent fasting methods. Under this method, you need to consume only one meal a day and fast for the remaining hours (23 hours).

You can have your one meal anytime during the day. Just make sure that you are not overeating and consuming healthy and nutritious food. Prefer to eat in the evening between the time window of 4-7 pm.

Make sure you try this only if you have experience with any other intermittent fasting method.

A Full Day Fast

A full-day fast is one of the most difficult intermittent fasting methods. As the name suggests, under this method, you need to fast for a complete 24 hours. You can have water and black coffee during the fasting window.

This way, you will be able to decrease your calorie intake significantly. The best part about this regime is that it will help your body detox and cleanse itself. Further, it will reduce weight, increase HGH levels, reduce the risk of cancer, etc.

Final Words

Intermittent fasting is one of the effective weight loss methods. But, make sure that you are following a healthy diet and lifestyle along with it. Also, don’t forget to consult your doctor before trying any of these intermittent fasting methods if you have a health condition.
