7 Facts You Should Know About SSD Benefits

7 Facts You Should Know About SSD Benefits | HealthSoul

We all have that belief at the back of our minds that once we get employed, we will be productive until age catches up with us, and we retire. Many people fail to account for the unknown, which often causes unproductiveness before hitting that retirement age. According to the social security administration, one out of four of today’s 20-year-olds will be unproductive before 67. This means that the chances that most of us will reach the retirement age while still working are very minimal. The most common reason for this is a disability.

This is why the social security program was developed to pay disability benefits based on your work history. This program ensures that you get an inflation-protected income if, at any point, you are unable to work. With that in mind, here are seven things you should know about social security disability benefits.

1. Eligibility for SSD Benefits

For one to benefit from the program, two aspects are considered. First, you should have been in social security covered employment for a certain period. Depending on your age, you will have to satisfy the duration of the work test. Simply put, there is a minimum time that you ought to have been produced before the program can declare you eligible for these benefits. It varies from 1.5 years for those who become disabled before the age of 28 and 9.5 years for those who become disabled at 60. Also, you will be required to have been working for a certain period immediately before your disability. For example, if you become disabled at 31, you should have worked for at least five years of the ten years ending with the time you got disabled.

Second, you have to be disabled. SSD benefits are for those who have developed medical conditions that prevent them from working for a year or lead to death.

2. The Two Forms of SSD Insurance

Generally, the social security disability insurance or SSDI is designed to replace lost income for the workers it covers if, at any point, they become disabled. This one looks at the time the worker has been productive. Also, there is Supplemental Security Income or SSI. Rather than focusing on their work record, this one delves into the worker’s financial needs.

3. The Amount You Get After You Are Disabled

Disability benefits are calculated the same way as a retirement benefit, only that they are a bit less. Your average social security taxed earnings are what determines how much you get in case you are disabled. Sometimes people face huge hurdles with the social security administration processes to the point they feel like giving up.

Moreover, getting much less than one deserves is a common occurrence, especially in some states like California. In line with sentiments from the lawyers at a renowned Sacramento firm, the best way to maximize your SSD benefits is to work with experienced disability attorneys. You don’t even have to wait until when you are having difficulties getting your claims processed or when you need to file an appeal for your benefits. A good lawyer will guide you adequately regarding time limitations, all the documents you need, and choosing the right doctors, all the way through filing an appeal if need be.

4. The Application Process

Just like the retirement application process, this one is easy as well. It might be a little more complicated, but there is nothing much in it either. You can even do it online. All you need are the following;

  • Your social security number
  • Birth certificate
  • Medical information showing proof of your disability
  • Details of your work history
  • Your most recent W-2 or tax return

With these documents, there are a few other documents that need to be filled. You will have to supply an SSA form with information about your medical condition. Your medical professional might be required to fill the form as well. Based on the information you offer, the SSA will determine whether you are eligible or not.

5. Family Members Can Get Benefits, As Well

Getting disabled does not only affect the worker but the family as well. Therefore, the SSDI benefits extend to

  • The spouse if they are less than 62 years old.
  • The spouse at any age if they are under 16 or disabled.
  • Your child if they are under 18 years of age
  • Your disabled child over 18, if they were disabled before the age of 22

It is important to remember that even if you have several members, there is a maximum amount of money paid to anyone worker.

6. You Can Get Medicare Early Even With SSD

Disabled workers are allowed Medicare benefits even before they turn 65. In two years after receiving the SSD benefits, they can receive Medicare benefits.

7. You May Need Disability Income Insurance

SSD benefits replace only about 40% of the average workers’ income. Most people would not survive with that in case they get disabled. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure you have another disability income insurance to help replace your income if you are disabled.

SSD benefits come in handy in case one is disabled while still employed. It is, therefore, essential to know and understand what is entailed in this insurance. Involving a disability attorney becomes paramount in many cases to ensure you get fair remuneration and compensation.