Are Remote Doctor Communications Secure?

Are Remote Doctor Communications Secure? | HealthSoul

Healthcare, as we know it, has drastically changed. With advances and innovations in technology, one is able to have a doctor’s appointment at the comfort of his/her home. The problems of transportation and scheduling are solved with this technological shift. However, there are many problems that come along with it. Patient information becomes exposed to cyberattacks, specifically data breaches. Risks for theft and fraud will increase if healthcare organizations do not properly prepare themselves with this technological shift. More than ever, using different safeguards to protect patients’ right to privacy should be prioritized.

Safeguards to Protect Patient Privacy

Physical and electronic safeguards should be used to secure patient information. Protecting patient privacy is made possible by:

  • Securing communication tools

Now that most healthcare operations happen virtually, it is important for healthcare providers, payers, and health centers to choose appropriate platforms. These platforms should address their needs as healthcare organizations while improving patient care. 

  • Training hospital and administration staff

Communication tools cannot be optimized if the involved teams do not know how to use them. This applies to both the healthcare provider and the patients themselves. If the chosen communication tools are difficult to use, more problems may arise. Instead of promoting efficiency, it could delay patient care.

  • Guaranteeing that all forms of communication are HIPAA compliant

What is HIPAA?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was made to cope up with the modernization of patient health information (PHI). PHI has become more accessible through its online presence. To secure and protect sensitive data, certain standards and protocols regarding the flow of healthcare information were enacted. HIPAA consists of these rules. It is important to ensure that your communication tools are HIPAA compliant because it not only limits the use of patient information to unauthorized agents, but it also protects patient health records through data encryption. HIPAA compliant messaging protects the integrity of patients’ right to privacy, thus making it easier for healthcare providers, payers, and health centers to deliver quality patient care. 

Providertech’s Messaging Platform

Providertech improves patient experience through its HIPAA secure texting platform. All communication activities are monitored and accounted for. Providertech’s HIPAA compliant messaging allows real-time communication between the patient and healthcare provider while protecting patient privacy. Providertech’s messaging platform has the following features:

  • Convenient access to both the patient and medical teams
  • Customizable settings and ‘tailored’ practice according to both the patient’s and doctor’s preferences
  • Real-time and streamlined communication through HIPAA secure texting
  • Synced patient information in coordination with previous health records

Choosing the right communication tools is essential for healthcare providers, payers and health centers. This may either promote the improvement of patient quality care or hinder it drastically. One should choose a messaging platform that is accessible, flexible, integrated and most importantly, secure. Its features should be patient-centered and grounded on protecting the patient’s right to privacy. To learn more about Providertech’s HIPAA secure texting, you can proceed to their website at
