Are These 3 Chemicals Triggering Your Chronic Skin Condition?

My IVF Journey with Dr Gautam Allahbadia | HealthSoul

So many Americans suffer from chronic skin conditions from eczema to psoriasis to rosacea and acne. While acne is the most commonly seen skin condition, eczema is also a big one. In fact, did you know that roughly 31.6 million Americans suffer from eczema, and a large percentage of that number happens to be children? In fact, 13% of children are affected by atopic dermatitis, and 7.2% of adults are affected. (1)

With so many people suffering from chronic skin conditions, you have to wonder if there is an environmental link. While there is certainly a link between certain foods you consume and the health of your skin, not everyone is as familiar with the chemicals that can trigger skin irritation. And, not only that but many of these skin irritants are things we are exposed to daily and may not even know about.

Let’s take a look at some of the everyday toxins you may be exposed to that may be triggering your chronic skin condition.

The Most Common Skin-Irritating Chemicals 

There are so many different skin irritants we are exposed to on a regular if not daily basis, that it’s really hard to completely avoid all of them. However, knowledge is power, and when we start to eliminate some of these chemicals and choose cleaner and healthier options, you may very well see your irritated skin begin to clear up.

Here are three commonly seen skin-irritating chemicals.

  • Soap: Yes, believe it or not, the soap that’s sitting in your kitchen or on your bathroom skin may be causing your skin irritation. Why? Well, many soaps are full of harsh chemicals, and when you wash your hands frequently, you wash away the natural oils that help to moisturize your skin. While, of course, you want to keep washing your hands, try to choose a more natural option. Castile soap works well, and you can even add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil to make it smell nice.
  • Household Cleaners: Many the products used to clean our homes are full of toxins and skin irritants. Not only do they often contain chemicals, but they are full of artificial fragrance which can also irritate your skin. Choose to make your own household cleaner using things like vinegar and baking soda, and if you must use something store-bought, use gloves to protect your skin
  • Laundry Detergent: Laundry detergent is another common skin irritant, and this has to do with the added chemicals but also the fragrance which again is a common cause of skin irritation. It is best to use fragrance-free laundry detergent to help protect your skin. There are plenty of fragrance-free non-toxic options available in stores now!

If you suffer from a chronic skin condition and are trying to get to the bottom of what is causing your flare-ups, or are trying to find safer options for everyday things your skin comes in contact with, start by swapping out these three things. Start by choosing a fragrance-free hand soap and laundry detergent that is non-toxic, and skip the store-bought household cleaners. Make your own whenever possible as you know exactly what you are exposing yourself to.

The less chemical exposure you have on a daily basis, the better your skin and overall health will be!
