The Benefits of ASCs

The Benefits of ASCs | HealthSoul

How ambulatory surgery centers are saving money while providing increased access to procedures

For those seeking medical care, the prospects can be daunting. From expensive procedures to crowded schedules, finding the time and money to receive the care you need can be challenging. The stress of such a situation is only compounded by the fact that it is your health on the line. That’s a big deal.

This is especially true of surgeries, which are invasive and, to most people, frightening. Thankfully, modern medicine and infrastructure are addressing these challenges head-on to provide patients with a higher level of care in a more convenient and cost-effective manner.

Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) are at the forefront of this trend. These specialized centers focus on bringing high-quality care at a lower price, giving people a compelling alternative to traditional full-service hospitals.

How exactly are ASCs changing the landscape of the surgical treatment world? Read on to find out.

Cost Savings

For those with Medicare, the copayment for surgery at a hospital outpatient department would be significantly higher than that at an ASC. For example, a cataract extraction procedure would see a copayment savings of over $200.

The same holds true for those with private insurance, meaning that patients across the spectrum can experience the cost savings associated with ASCs.

It’s not just patients that benefit from the quick, affordable treatment, either. Over the course of the approximately 22.5 million surgical procedures performed by ASCs each year, Medicare saves over $4 billion. That’s a significant amount of taxpayer dollars.

Private insurance companies will incur lower costs, too, incentivizing them to encourage ASC use. As they save money, those savings will likely be reflected in the costs you, as a patient, see.

Benefits of ASCs


Efficiency and Quality

Because ASCs are specialized centers, they can provide a level of care that meets or exceeds the standards set by hospitals while doing so in a more convenient and efficient manner. So, while you will likely see significant cost savings, you will also enjoy benefits more related to the overall surgical experience.

This improved convenience and efficiency allows ASCs to schedule and performs procedures on a quicker timeline, meaning less waiting for you. While this may not be exceptionally important for some elective procedures, it is vital to those who are in need of medically necessary surgery. ASCs can address your needs more quickly and put you on the road to recovery sooner.

ASCs are already an integral part of the healthcare system, and their importance will only continue to grow as the demand for quick, convenient access to critical diagnostic and surgical care increases. With a significant portion of out-patient procedures already being performed by ASCs, there is no doubt that these specialized centers will continue to account for a higher percentage of such procedures.

Both patients and providers benefit from the convenience and cost savings associated with ASCs, making these surgical centers a true win-win in the medical community!
