What You Should Know About Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

What You Should Know About Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators | HealthSoul

During the last few decades, the demand for products that will help you build a perfect body has increased greatly. Different high-protein dietary regimens, vitamin and mineral supplements, and heavy workout sessions are a must. However, the possibility of consuming the product that will speed up the whole process and make it easily achievable is extremely appealing to many.

We all remember when there was a boom in steroid use. After it was proven that they’re unsafe and even fatally dangerous in some cases, there was a high demand for something that works similarly but doesn’t mess up your health. And that’s when selective androgen receptor modulators came into the picture.

What Are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators?

Selective androgen receptor modulators, or as they are more commonly known, SARMs are compounds that will bind themselves to your androgen receptors, as steroids would. However, this is where the similarities in their functionality start to differ. While steroids will impact your whole body, SARMs have limited influence. They will impact only certain types of tissues. That is why they are often marketed as steroid-like supplements, without the harmful side effects. But is it really true?

How Do They Function?

We previously mentioned that SARMs have a selective impact. But what does this mean? The answer to this question lies in the types of SARM. Every type has its own field of operation. The SARM named S23 will increase your muscle mass, increase the efficiency of fat burning, and it will allow you to recover after your workout quickly. On the other hand, the SARM Enobosarm is used in the treatment of osteoporosis and a few other diseases. As you can see, it’s not a matter of one size fits all, so make sure to consult the professionals before you start using them.

They Increase Muscle Mass

This is where bodybuilding comes into the picture. As we previously mentioned, particular types of SARM will help you build muscle mass faster. It is not a magical solution to your problems, as you still have to work hard and also use it in controlled settings, with caution. Everyone’s body is different, so if you hear the experiences of others, don’t rely on them completely. Trust what your body’s telling you, and you’ll have exceptional results in no time.

They Can Sometimes Be Used As Male Birth Control

One of the less known uses of SARMs is that they could in the future be used as a form of male birth control. This property is still not properly tested, but in recent years, the number of studies has increased. They parallel womens’ birth control in the sense that they influence your hormones.

Experts Are Still Exploring Their Health Benefits

You probably deduced that a substance with these properties probably has a lot of health benefits. SARMs were found in the 1990s, and since then the research has been scarce. However, in the last few years, with the increase of their popularity, they have become incredibly intriguing to doctors all around the world.

Don’t Use Them If You Are Competing

Don’t Use Them If You Are Competing

Because they are still relatively unexplored, and also because they can increase your performance, they are strictly forbidden in sports and other types of physical competitions, especially in bodybuilding. Let’s be realistic, it is unfair to the other competitors. Using them may seem appealing, but they can be found in your system by doing simple testing.

They Can Be Useful For Women Too

Both women and men have the same type of hormones in their bodies. The difference is in the amount. Researchers have found some properties that can be useful for medical treatments for both women and men. For example, they would be useful for treating issues with bone retention in women. Also, it was proven that they wouldn’t add any particular male characteristics. They also influence female libido.

There Is a Lot Of Potential

Many people write off SARMs as just a temporary fad in the fitness world. But they don’t realize the implications and benefits that this kind of substance could bring. There is a legitimate sense of skepticism around this subject, due to it still being relatively unknown and undiscovered. However, there is great potential that could be explored in the future.

Be Careful

As we previously mentioned, don’t take SARMs without any consultations or research! They can be extremely harmful if not used correctly. And especially if you have some underlying medical issues. Talk to your doctor and take the time to explore which type of SARM works best for you.

There are many benefits to SARMs, but there could also be side effects. Be careful, and do your research. Don’t make things more difficult than they need to be. SARMs could contribute a lot to many medical issues. At this time, they are still an unexplored field. But don’t be surprised if you see them listed as some of the most useful substances in the future!
