How Do Personalized Apps Work?

How Do Personalized Apps Work | HealthSoul

The digital transformation is moving faster than ever. Reliance on the internet and all the things that it offers has been steadily increasing and at this age, it’s hard to find someone who does not have a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or even all three. This evolution has required brands and companies to whip up an entirely new consumer marketing playbook in order to connect with more customers and promote their products and services.

One of the promotional tools used by different brands nowadays is the mobile app experience. Through creating a medium exclusively for your brand, you can have the opportunity to interact with loyal users and further strengthen the entire brand experience.

With almost every company developing a mobile app to connect with its consumers, the challenge now is how your app can stand out among competitors and among every other app available in the market. This is where personalization comes in.

What is a personalized app exactly and how does it work? If you’re keen on learning extensively about it, you may check out audiology websites available.

To paint a clearer picture, let’s first differentiate personalization from customization: When you order your morning iced coffee and ask for 2 pumps of mint in addition, that is called customization. Personalization, on the other hand, is when you enter Starbucks and the barista already knows what your go-to coffee is at that particular time of day.

The same principle applies to mobile app personalization. You can say that personalization is the next step to customization. It means going beyond providing convenience, accessibility and elevated service to ALL your customers by giving them all three exactly how they will prefer it. Essentially, the user experience now becomes customized to each user’s need, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. This entire process guarantees that they will feel a bit more special and in turn, increase their brand loyalty and support further.

There are two areas where apps can be personalized, inside and outside the app. In-app personalization refers to the features such as pop-ups, dialog boxes, search recommendations, personal discounts, and special offers that you can all incorporate within the app for specific users depending on their behavior and preferences. Outside the app, you can achieve personalization through push notifications.

Below are some examples that successfully created a personalized app experience:

  • Spotify – When it comes to personalization, Spotify easily stands out among other apps. They have a lot of interesting features that allow users to connect with the app on a personal level such as their “Discover Weekly’ playlists, Daily Mixes, or Suggested Albums and Artists. Spotify knows how to leverage user listening data into creating playlists their users will love and more!
  • Netflix – Like Spotify, Netflix certainly knows how to turn data into features that users will appreciate. Through its recommendation engine, every Netflix user feels like their account is tailored to their own interests and preferences.

There are many other brands that are making all the right decisions when it comes to the app experiences they provide to consumers such as Amazon, Starbucks, Instagram or Facebook. With all these successful apps, the key is to maximize the data from your users through creating features that anticipate their needs and preferences from the app.
