Different Types of Tea and Health Benefits

Different Types of Tea and Health Benefits | HealthSoul

All types of tea are derived from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. The different types of tea are produced by processing or oxidizing of the tea leaves. In its unadulterated form, freshly brewed tea offers a multitude of health benefits, some commonly known and others you might be surprised to learn. Available in a wide variety of flavors, tea provides pleasure and improved health at a low cost.

What are the Different Types of Tea?

  1. White Tea: it is the unprocessed tea and has minimal oxidation. It produces very pale green or yellow-colored tea water. It has the most potent anticancer properties.
  2. Green Tea: The tea is plucked, rolled, and then heated to prevent oxidization. This stops the enzymes from changing the colors of the leaves. As it is rich in antioxidants, one cup of green tea daily lowers the cardiovascular risk by 10%. It produces green or yellow-colored tea water.
  3. Oolong TeaThis tea has undergone partial oxidation. They have 20%-80% oxidation, caffeine content is between green and black teas. Oolong tea is rich in floral or fruity flavors and is good for beginners in tea drinking. Oolong tea can help in weight loss, as it activates the enzyme to dissolve fat stored in fat cells.
  4. Black Tea: It is more oxidized and has a very strong flavor. It is the most common tea consumed in the Indian subcontinent and usually drink with milk. The caffeine content is high than other teas close to 60%. It is rich in flavonoids which lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of stroke.
  5. Dark Tea: It is more aged and oxidized tea than others as it has undergone a secondary fermentation process. They are rich in aroma and has a smooth taste.
  6. Puer: It is a form of Black tea. It is produced in China and known for its medicinal properties.

Tea is Packed with Nutrients

If you’re looking for a healthy drink, nothing beats a cup of tea. The nutrients found in tea are called flavonoids, which is what makes tea a strong source of antioxidants. As such, those flavonoids attack free radicals in the body, which reduces the risk of contracting many chronic diseases.

There are actually several types of flavonoids in tea that benefit the body. One called catechins is commonly found in teas. This substance is thought to be the primary source of the health benefits enjoyed by most tea drinkers. Tea is widely known to help with weight loss, boost concentration, and reduce the risk of heart disease by enhancing lipid oxidation and boosting blood vessel functioning.
