Aging Skin: How to Take Care !!

Aging Skin: How to Take Care !! | HealthSoul

Growing old is a certainty for everyone and with it comes a set of natural changes in the body. The changes in the skin are readily noticeable and can often be a cause for concern.

Aging skin is characterized by

  • Thinning of the skin
  • Wrinkles and lines
  • Dry skin
  • Age spots and discoloration
  • Easy bruising
  • Skin tags
  • Risk of Skin cancers

Causes for changes in skin

  • Exposure to the sun’s UV rays damage the skin over the many years and can lead to the formation of dark spots and wrinkles. Excessive UV rays are a risk factor for the appearance of skin cancers.
  • Smoking: nicotine affects the entire body in negative ways and the skin is no exception. Smoking cigarettes leads to drying of the skin and increases the risk of cancers.
  • Inadequate hydration: Low water content can lead to drying and also cause the skin to appear loose
  • Loss of subcutaneous fat in old age: The underlying fat which supports the skin breaks down with age and this leads to wrinkling and thinning of the skin

It is important to understand that most of these changes will occur in everyone with age and is unavoidable. The process may be slowed down slightly with adequate care of the skin. The following are general measures to maintain healthy skin at all ages.

  • Protecting the skin from the sun: This includes using appropriate sunscreen and accessories like hats or umbrellas to shield exposed skin from the sun’s UV rays
  • Hydration of the skin: Drinking plenty of water and fluids and daily use of moisturizing creams is beneficial. Avoid bathing in very hot water as this dehydrates the skin. A collagen elixir will also rejuvenate and hydrate the skin
  • Smoking cessation: Quitting smoking with help prevent aging of the skin in addition to other health benefits
  • Healthy diet: A diet comprising of fruits and vegetables provides the necessary vitamins and minerals required for the body to produce support structures for the skin. Excess intake of refined carbohydrates and sugars also aggravates the aging process.
  • Avoid using excessive cosmetics or make-up products: Many of these contain materials that can dehydrate the skin and also block the pores in the skin. Over time, they damage the skin with earlier aging.

The cosmetic industry offers many products and procedures that promise to help make skin youthful again. It is necessary to be cautious about these products as they may cause more harm than good. It is recommended to consult with a dermatologist prior to using any new product.

