Learn About Urologists: Diseases They Treat and When to see one?

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What is a Urologist?

A urologist is a health professional who studies and treats disorders of the urinary tract. Urologists can conduct tests, perform surgery, and help resolve any issues that a patient may be having with urination. Urologists treat the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, and adrenal glands. They can also treat some male reproductive organs that are connected to the urinary tract.

How does a doctor become a Urologist?

To become a urologist, a person must first attend college for four years and complete an undergraduate program. After that, they must attend medical school and complete a residency program at a local hospital or clinic. Many urologists also complete fellowships, which can consist of two more years of education. Urologists must also pass a certification test given by the American Board of Urology.

What are the common illnesses treated by a Urologist?

Urologists treat a variety of illnesses. Some of the most common include:

What are the diagnostic tests and procedures ordered by a Urologist?

Urologists perform numerous tests to diagnose a patient with a health problem or illness. In some cases, they may conduct the tests themselves, and in others, they may order the tests from a lab or a different department. Some of the common tests that urologists perform include:

What are the different types of Urologists?

There are different types of urologists based on their specialty training:

How do Urologists Treat Health Problems?

Urologists are trained to perform a variety of surgeries and treatments. Some of these treatments may be performed in the clinic, and others are surgical procedures that require anesthesia in a hospital setting. These treatments may include:

When to See a Urologist?

Knowing when to see a urologist can sometimes be difficult. The symptoms of many urinary tract diseases can be mild and hard to notice. You should see a urologist if you experience any of these symptoms:


American Urological Association.
