5 Of The Most Common Vision Problems

5 Of The Most Common Vision Problems| HealthSoul

Vision is a precious asset. And it’s no secret that eyesight tends to deteriorate as we age. But fortunately, there are ways to keep your vision in good health and hold onto this precious asset for longer.

A few ways to protect your vision include following a healthy balanced diet, wearing sunglasses, and visiting your optometrist once every two years for a routine eye exam.

But even with these measures, it’s still important to know the symptoms of common eye troubles so that you know when to opt for treatments or prescription lenses.

Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a pretty common vision problem. The symptoms include eye dryness, redness, and inflammation. These stubborn symptoms can also be accompanied by itching and burning. Moreover, vision loss is also associated with dry eye syndrome.

Some risk factors include excess screen use, tear duct blockages, and lack of blinking. This condition is treated with specific eye drops that can mimic tears, and your doctor may also suggest that you use a humidifier at home.

With this, if you wear contact lenses, it’s essential to keep in mind that dry eyes will need special lenses. You can find the best lenses for dry eyes at Contacts Compare.


While a lack of tearing will lead to dry eyes, too much tearing is also not ideal. If your eyes are often tearing up, there’s a good chance that they are sensitive to wind, light, or temperature.

While you can opt for protective eyewear like sunglasses, it’s also best to visit the optometrist or your doctor to determine the cause.


Floaters are tiny specks and spots that seem to float across your vision. These specks are formed by tiny deposits of protein that roam around in the vitreous. Even though floaters don’t block vision, they’re still pretty annoying.

Visit your optometrist for special eye drops to ease the problem. In some cases, a quick surgical procedure is necessary to remove the vitreous through a small incision.


This vision concern refers to the inability to see objects or words at a close distance. While presbyopia is commonly onset with age, it can be confused with farsightedness even though these are two entirely different vision ailments.

Presbyopia happens when the natural flexibility of the eye lens deteriorates, while farsightedness is the result of the shape of the eyeball.

If you suffer from either of these ailments, your optometrist will prescribe the right lenses to improve your vision.

You should also learn more about bad night vision as it can be associated with presbyopia and other vision problems. Again, your optometrist will be the best person to guide you in this matter.


Cataracts are cloudy white milky lenses that cover the eye. This is also an age-related eye condition, although it can also develop from UV ray exposure, protein deterioration, or even injury. Cataracts can be surgically removed to restore vision.

Other common vision ailments include diabetic retinopathy, keratoconus, macular degeneration, refractive errors, and glaucoma.

If you are experiencing any vision concerns or eye discomfort, it’s essential to visit your doctor. In some cases, you might need prescription lenses, while you might need medical treatment in others.
