How To Decide If You Need Therapy

How To Decide If You Need Therapy| HealthSoul

Mental health concerns can affect up to 20% of people at any time in their lives. Talking to a mental health professional can help you to feel better. If you are struggling with your emotions it may be time for you to see a therapist.

Deciding Whether You Need Therapy

It can be hard to know whether you or someone you love needs therapy. The fact is that therapy such as ptsd counselling can be very helpful and potentially life-changing. This is why it’s important to understand that if you are struggling, you should get help.

Signs That You May Need To See a Therapist

You should consider having therapy if something is causing you to feel so distressed that it interferes with your life. You could find that you are struggling to complete your usual day-to-day tasks. Alternatively, you may feel that you’re on the verge of tears all of the time. Please note, people ask for help for a variety of reasons. Different people struggle in different ways, so there’s no easy way to tell if someone needs therapy.

Some of the indicators that you or someone you love may need therapy include:

  • When coping with or thinking about the issue takes up more than 1 hour every day
  • If your quality of life has decreased
  • When you feel embarrassed bout the issue in question or it makes you want to avoid seeing others.
  • When you have made changes to your life so that you can deal with or cope with the issue
  • If the issue in question is affecting or has affected relationships, or school, or work

Other Signs That You May Need To Seek Help

If you experience some or all of the following feelings and that they interfere with your life, you may need therapy.

– Agoraphobia

People with agoraphobia often worry that they may be trapped or have a panic attack in a public place. Some people are unable to leave their homes due to their fear.

– Anxiety or intrusive thoughts

When worrying about something takes up a large part of your day or causes physical issues, it’s time to ask for help.

– Apathy

When you lose interest in the world or life in general.

– Fatigue

This symptom that’s often associated with mental health issues may make you feel incredibly tired. Sufferers may sleep more or struggle to get out of bed.

– Overwhelmed

It may seem as if you have too much to do or a lot to cope with.

– Rage, anger, or resentment that is disproportionate

If you experience any of these emotions in such a way that seems extreme, it can lead you to take harmful actions.

If you recognize some or all of the above signs in yourself or another person, it may be time to ask for help. It is perfectly ok to ask for help and there’s a lot of help out there these days. When you ask for help you could be one step closer to getting your life back on track. Ask for help today so that you don’t have to struggle alone.
