6 Tips to Manage Weight & Bulletproofing Digestive System

6 Tips to Manage Weight & Bulletproofing Digestive System| HealthSoul

The modern lifestyle brings along a lot of health problems. Unmanaged weight and poor digestion are two major health concerns that millions of people face. Although exercising regularly and having a nutritious diet can keep your weight in check, it is not feasible for people due to the busy work schedules that keep them occupied. Thankfully, probiotic supplements like Bio X4 are popular supplements that keep your weight in check and improve your digestion. Along with the supplements, here are six tips to help you manage your weight while bulletproofing your digestive system.

1. Eat a High-fiber Diet

A high fiber diet which includes vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains is the key to a healthy, balanced weight and a healthy gut. The fiber in these food items expands while digesting and helps keep the food moving in your digestive tract. A clear and healthy digestive tract helps you avoid constipation and other health problems like hemorrhoids and Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).

It’s also important to consume both soluble and insoluble fiber, as they function differently to support your gut health. The body does not digest the insoluble fiber. It gives volume to the stool and helps it move through the digestive tract. On the other hand, soluble fiber absorbs more water and prevents the stool from getting too watery. Insoluble fiber is found in fruits, wheat bran, and vegetables, while soluble fiber is found in seeds, nuts, and legumes. Remember to include both of them in your diet to strengthen your bowel movement while managing weight.

2. Include Probiotic Supplements in Your Diet

Probiotic supplements contain microbiomes that help maintain the healthy gut mucosa. It also helps keep the right balance of beneficial gut bacteria. Some gut-supporting supplements like Bio X4 contain a combination of other nutritional elements like ECGC and digestive enzymes to promote weight loss while strengthening your gut.

Unlike other weight loss formulas, gut-supportive supplements have the effect of long-term weight loss and strengthen your digestive system. They also help you stay away from gut-related problems like gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Having these supplements in your diet could help you manage your weight in the long run and bulletproof your gut.

3. Eat Plenty of Water

Water plays a key role in weight loss and gut health. It not only flushes toxins out of your body but keeps your gut healthy by hydrating your body. Low water levels are also associated with constipation and other gut problems. Drink at least 5 to 6 liters of water every day to keep your gut healthy and manage your weight.

4. Add More Plant-based Protein to Your Diet

Protein is the fundamental nutrient that promotes muscle growth. It also provides other necessary nutrients that are essential for weight loss. Your diet has a significant effect on the microbiota present in the gut. Each nutrient like iron, carbohydrate, magnesium, zinc, fats, and protein are digested differently by this microbiota.

When you eat food, the saliva and small intestine enzymes break down proteins into smaller digestible molecules called amino acids. While some microbiota consumes excess protein for energy, the microbiomes in the large intestine ferment amino acids and produce metabolites. The metabolites significantly manipulate the immune system, gut health, and weight loss. Therefore your diet should include enough protein-rich food to help you lose weight while maintaining gut health.

5. Exercise More Often

Physical movements are directly associated with weight loss and gut health. Physical exercises help burn calories, which means if you are already in a calorie deficit, you can lose substantial weight by engaging in physical activities like running, jumping, cycling, and swimming. On top of that, weight training exercises like squats and deadlifts contract your abdominal muscles, which additionally strengthen your digestive system.

When you indulge your body in physical exercises, it naturally contracts the intestines, which pass the waste through the intestinal tract. When your body moves, it promotes the movement of the waste, so you don’t face any gut problems like indigestion or constipation. Try to include physical activities like sports, cardio, stretching, weight lifting, swimming, and yoga in your routine to lose weight and keep your gut healthy.

6. Do Not Starve Yourself

Starving is never a good option to lose weight. That’s why crash diets do not have high success rates. When you starve yourself, your body stores excess fats to cope with energy needs. It also affects the natural balance of good and bad bacteria in your gut and causes indigestion and other gut problems. Always eat healthy food and never starve yourself to lose weight. It does more harm than good.

As gut health and weight go hand in hand, improving gut health should be on top of your list while losing weight. Ensure to exercise, eat healthy food and add top-quality gut-supportive supplements to your diet for better results.
