Bleeding Gums: Effective At-Home Treatments

Bleeding Gums: Effective At-Home Treatments| HealthSoul
Despite being indicative of an underlying problem, many people choose to ignore bleeding gums. Around one in five simply stop brushing the area, one in ten stop brushing their teeth altogether, and one in four ignore the problem completely. Only one in five end up booking a dental appointment for treatment. Whether it’s gum disease, vigorous brushing, inflammation, or vitamin deficiency, bleeding gums have numerous causes. Once you determine the cause of your condition, you can take action to stop the bleeding.

Rinse with hydrogen peroxide

After brushing your teeth, try rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic able to remove plaque, stop bleeding, and restore gum health. Swish the solution around your mouth for sixty seconds before spitting it out. Hydrogen peroxide can also help reverse gingivitis (gum inflammation), which causes bleeding, swelling, and gum recession. In one study, participants who rinsed their mouths with hydrogen peroxide were found to have less gum inflammation than those who didn’t.

Improve your oral hygiene

Bleeding gums are often indicative of poor oral hygiene. If plaque is allowed to accumulate along the gum line, your gums become inflamed and start bleeding, as well as potentially cause tooth decay or gum disease. Additionally, pregnant women also need to take particular care of their oral hygiene as fluctuating hormones commonly lead to gum disease and bleeding. So, it’s important to improve your oral health by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once a day. If the bleeding doesn’t stop within a week to ten days, visit your nearest emergency dentist. For example, people living in Canada’s Ontario province can visit an emergency dental clinic in Mississauga. A dentist will perform a deep cleaning to remove plaque and tartar from your gumline, as well as check for gum disease.

Improve your diet

You may also need to visit your doctor to determine whether your bleeding gums are caused by vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin C plays a key role in boosting your immune system, protecting your gum lining, preventing infections responsible for bleeding gums. A vitamin C deficiency can also cause bleeding gums (even if you practice good dental hygiene), as well as worsen bleeding associated with gum disease. Sweet potatoes, carrots, red peppers, and oranges are great sources of vitamin C; between 65-90 milligrams daily is recommended for adults. Vitamin K deficiency is also something to look out for with bleeding gums. Vitamin K helps the blood clot, while deficiencies can lead to gum bleeding. Eating around 120 micrograms (for men) and 90 micrograms (for women) a day will ensure you’re getting the right amount. Dark leafy greens like mustard greens, collard greens, kale, and spinach are potent sources of vitamin K.

Bleeding gums are a common problem that shouldn’t be ignored. Rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide, improving your oral health and hygiene, and improving your diet are effective at-home treatments designed to stop bleeding and restore gum health.
