Fat Injections: Understanding the Procedure

Fat Injections: Understanding the Procedure| HealthSoul

It doesn’t matter what procedure you are thinking about getting done or whether it’s considered standard or not; you’re likely to have questions. These questions can often be hard to answer or hard to find accurate and non-contradictory information. Fat injections are a procedure that should be relatively easy to explain and help build comfort with. Consider these points if you’re considering a fat injection and want to understand more about the procedure.

What is a fat injection?

Fat injections are a commonly used procedure to help improve the contours and proportions of the human body. Often referred to as fat transfers or grafting, fat injections work by removing fat from one area of the body and injecting it somewhere else in the body. Some of the more common areas where fat injections are often carried out are the face, breasts or buttocks. For those who have lost substantial amounts of weight, this procedure is often used to help repair areas in need of contouring. It’s important to know that it may require multiple procedures to get the results you are looking for.

Will I require anesthesia?

This can depend on the size of the procedure, the area of the body and how much fat is being removed and injected into your body. Generally speaking, a fat injection procedure will take place on general or local anesthesia. For smaller procedures, a local may be all that is required to complete the surgery pain-free. It’s important to consult your healthcare professional if you have any concerns about anesthesia.

Are there risks?

Like any surgical procedure, whilst generally safe, there are risks associated with the procedure of fat injections. Risks such as fluid loss, changes in skin sensation, or infection are among a small list of potential risks with the procedure. These risks will increase if multiple body areas are being treated at the same time, so consider breaking up any body areas you can across surgeries. If you are concerned about any risks, it’s important to speak with your doctor.

How to prepare

Preparing for a fat injection is similar to the preparation for many other procedures. Making sure you are fit and healthy, in optimal weight ranges, a non-smoker, and checking any medication, you’re on are all good things to do prior. A medical background check will be necessary to ensure your surgeon has all of the relevant information, and you may be asked to complete other tests prior as well, such as a blood test. You should also consider post-procedure recovery and have a reliable way home and some time to rest.

What to do after a fat injection?

Your surgeon or doctor will provide you with a post-procedure care plan, and it’s critical you follow it. This post-procedure plan will include information about dressings, how often to change the dressing, any medication to take and follow up care arrangements. If you have any specific questions about your home, routine or life, be sure to consult your surgeon and get all the information you need before the procedure.

Where will it take place?

Depending on the size and number of areas you are having treated, it’s likely your fat injection will take place in your surgeon’s offices, a day surgery facility, or a hospital. If the area is small and only requires a local anesthetic, your surgeon may perform the procedure in their offices. For large or multiple body area procedures, you will often need a general anesthetic, and the procedure will take place in a hospital or day surgery facility.


Fat injections are a great way to contour your body, help repair appearance after weight loss or an accident. If you’re considering a fat injection and need to know a little more about the procedure, consider using this simple guide to get started.

