What is ADHD and Its Symptoms?

What is ADHD and Its Symptoms?| HealthSoul

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a mental condition that affects millions of Americans. While it has received increasing attention in recent years, it remains misunderstood by many people. For example, some believe that ADHD treatment is a myth, and the condition is cured by simply ignoring the problem.

However, this is not the case. ADHD is a chronic medical condition that is treated for an individual to reach their full potential.

Who is at Risk?

ADHD is more prevalent in boys than girls, but the disorder can occur in either gender. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that ADHD affects about 5% to 10% of all school-age children. Boys are sometimes more likely than girls to be diagnosed with ADHD. The signs in young boys include greater activity levels, impulsivity, and high levels of aggression among boys compared to their female peers.

How Does it Impact Children?

Children with undiagnosed or untreated ADHD may struggle academically and socially throughout their lives. The most common challenges faced by those who have ADHD include difficulty paying attention and staying focused and difficulty with organization and time management. Their moods may be impacted by their ADHD symptoms, negative interactions with peers, family members, or teachers.

Symptoms of ADHD typically present themselves in early childhood. Children diagnosed with the condition may experience various problems that stem from impulsivity, hyperactivity, and inattentiveness. Symptoms such as these can reduce academic performance and social interactions, leading to feelings of self-doubt. It is also possible for children to develop anxiety or depression because of their struggles. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, there is a chance that these issues will continue into adulthood and cause more severe problems (such as a criminal activity).

What Can Parents Do?

Although it may be challenging to handle ADHD, there are many ways for parents to help their children manage the condition. The first step is to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional (e.g., pediatrician or psychologist). A diagnosis is not always immediately apparent because symptoms may appear similar to those of other disorders (e.g., anxiety and depression), so families need to receive expert guidance in this area.

If feelings of self-doubt impact your child, talk with them about what you’ve observed. You can also provide details on how they can ask teachers for extra help if needed; this will hopefully make them feel more comfortable expressing themselves at school. Now that you understand ADHD more clearly, you’re able to show your child how they can succeed despite the disorder.

Working with a school counselor is another way to help my child adapt socially and academically. They can provide support for students who have been diagnosed with ADHD, as well as those that are being treated for co-occurring disorders or behavioral problems.

The Benefits of Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Treatments

Neurofeedback and biofeedback treatments may be beneficial for children and adults who experience the symptoms of ADHD. The ADHD treatment allows them to perform more effectively at home, work, or school. These therapies work by helping individuals learn how to control
