Rhinoplasty: Procedure and Recovery

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A rhinoplasty is more commonly referred to as a nose job, and it is a cosmetic procedure that can change the shape and size of the nose. This is one of the most common types of plastic surgery, and people from all over the world undergo this procedure every year. If you are considering rhinoplasty, it’s important to get all the necessary information before you begin the process. That way, you will know what you are getting into, and it will make the procedure and recovery time go by smoother and with fewer complications and concerns.

Rhinoplasty Indications

There is a variety of reasons for getting rhinoplasty. Some people get the surgery after they have experienced a nose injury, so the normal shape and size of the nose can be reconstructed. Others have breathing problems that can be corrected with the procedure. And still others would just prefer to alter the way their nose looks and believe that a cosmetic procedure would help them feel more confident and attractive. Those who are getting the surgery for cosmetic reasons should wait until their nose is fully grown. In girls, this is usually around 15, and the age is a bit older for boys. However, rhinoplasty to fix a medical issue can be performed at any time.

Rhinoplasty Procedure

If you are a viable candidate for rhinoplasty, you can expect the surgery to be done in your doctor’s office, an outpatient surgical facility, or a hospital. First, your surgeon will put you under either local or general anesthetic. With local anesthetic, you will still be awake, though you may be groggy. Local anesthetic directed toward your nose will likely numb your whole face. This is the preferred method if you are undergoing a simple procedure.

If the procedure is more involved or the patient is a child, general anesthesia is usually the preferred method. With general anesthesia, you will be unconscious, so you won’t be awake or feel anything during the procedure.

Once you are under anesthesia, your doctor will separate the skin from the bone on your nose. He or she will then reshape the bone. Your nose may need additional cartilage, which may be taken from your ear or deeper inside of your nose. In some cases, you may even get a bone implant or a bone graft. Most rhinoplasties only last about an hour to two hours. However, for more complicated surgeries, you may be on the surgical table for a longer period.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Your surgeon will likely put a splint on your nose while it is healing. This will help stabilize your septum, ensuring that you can still breathe easily while you are healing. You’ll then be taken to a monitoring room. After a few hours, if everything is looking OK, you’ll be sent home. However, somebody will need to drive you, as the anesthesia may still be affecting you. The side effects from these drugs may last several hours as you begin the recovery period.

You will then need to rest after your surgery. You may notice some bleeding or drainage, which is completely normal. After a week, you should be able to return to week or school, while full recovery may take longer.
